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Nájdených záznamov: 3  
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  1. NázovCreating virtual environments for phobia treatment
    Aut.údajeDana Horváthová, Vladimír Siládi
    Autor Horváthová Dana 1965- (50%) UMBFP05 - Katedra informatiky
    Spoluautori Siládi Vladimír 1970- (50%) UMBFP05 - Katedra informatiky
    Zdroj.dok. Open Computer Science. Vol. 6, no. 1 (2016), pp. 138-147. - Warsaw : De Gruyter Poland, 2015-
    Kľúč.slová virtuálna realita - virtual reality   virtuálne prostredie - virtual environment   fóbie - phobias  
    Jazyk dok.angličtina
    Systematika 004.9
    AnotáciaIn this paper, we try to present the problems of the modern approach to treating various phobias. Virtual environments created by virtual reality (VR) tools can help to make the treatment of certain types of phobias more efficient. Attention to this form of phobia treatment with the help of VR is on the rise in the world, so we are also monitoring its development, as well. Our paper introduces the necessary hardware and software that has been piloted in our department, but also methods of creating virtual environments, models and application designed for medical therapies of patients. In ourworkwe have searched for and tested the following methods for creating virtual environments: A) modelling using computer graphics, B) modelling animation using animation programs, C) taking pictures of static objects and scenes, D) filming moving objects and scenes using classic video or special scanning techniques to create 360∘ panoramas or E) any combination of these methods
    Kategória publikačnej činnosti ADM
    Číslo archívnej kópie37622
    Kategória ohlasu LI, Lan - YU, Fei - SHI, Dongquan - SHI, Jianping - TIAN, Zongjun - YANG, Jiquan - WANG, Xingsong - JIANG, Qing. Application of virtual reality technology in clinical medicine. In American journal of translational research. ISSN 1943-8141, 2017, vol. 9, no. 9, pp. 3867-3880.
    MOROZ, Matthew - CARHART-HARRIS, Robin L. Employing synergistic interactions of virtual reality and psychedelics in neuropsychopharmacology. In IEEE workshop on virtual and augmented and virtual realities for good : VAR4Good, 2018, Reutlingen, 18th March 2018. Piscataway : Institute of electrical and electronics engineers, 2018. ISBN 978-1-5386-5977-9, pp. 1-6.
    KRITIKOS, Jacob - ZOITAKI, Chara - TZANNETOS, Giannis - MEHMETI, Anxhelino - DOULOUDI, Marilina - NIKOLAOU, George - ALEVIZOPOULOS, Giorgos - KOUTSOURIS, Dimitris. Comparison between full body motion recognition camera interaction and hand controllers interaction used in virtual reality exposure therapy for acrophobia. In Sensors. ISSN 1424-8220, 2020, vol. 20, no. 5, pp. 1-18.
    ABDESSALEM, Hamdi Ben - BYRNS, Alexie - FRASSON, Claude. Optimizing Alzheimer’s disease therapy using a neural intelligent agent-based platform. In International journal of intelligence science. ISSN 2163-0356, 2021, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 70-94.
    HURAJ, L. - HOSTOVECKÝ, M. Internet of things as tool for cognitive process in computer science study program. In 18th IEEE international conference on emerging elearning technologies and applications, ICETA 2020 : Košice, 12th-13th November 2020. Piscataway : Institute of electrical and electronics engineers, 2020. ISBN 978-073812366-0, pp. 200-204.
    BERGER, Lisa M. - WOOD, Guilherme - KOBER, Silvia E. Effects of virtual reality-based feedback on neurofeedback training performance : a sham-controlled study. In Frontiers in human neuroscience. ISSN 1662-5161, 2022, vol. 16, art. no. 952261, pp. 1-11.
    BEN ABDESSALEM, Hamdi - FRASSON, Claude. Toward personalizing Alzheimer s disease therapy using an intelligent cognitive control system. In Frontiers in artificial intelligence and applications, vol. 338 : 1st international conference on novelties in intelligent digital systems : NIDS 2021, virtual, 30th September - 01st October 2021. Amsterdam : IOS Press, 2021. ISBN 978-1-64368-204-4, pp. 63-74.
    NEGRILLO-CARDENAS, Jose - JIMENEZ-PEREZ, Juan-Roberto - FEITO, Francisco R. The role of virtual and augmented reality in orthopedic trauma surgery : from diagnosis to rehabilitation. In Computer methods and programs in biomedicine. ISSN 0169-2607, 2020, vol. 191, art. no. 105407, pp. 1-11.
    JADHAV, Lavany - PAREKH, Kapil - GUPTA, Vikas - CHANDAK, Sumita. Using virtual reality for therapeutic treatment of phobia. In International conference on convergence to digital world - Quo Vadis : ICCDW 2020, Mumbai, 18th-20th December 2020. Piscataway : Institute of electrical and electronics engineers, 2020. ISBN 978-172814635-5, pp. 1-5.
    RUSSO, Samuele - TIBERMACINE, Imad Eddine - TIBERMACINE, Ahmed - CHEBANA, Dounia - NAHILI, Abdelhakim - STARCZEWSCKI, Janusz - NAPOLI, Christian. Analyzing EEG patterns in young adults exposed to different acrophobia levels : a VR study. In Frontiers in human neuroscience. ISSN 1662-5161, 2024, vol. 18, art. no. 1348154, pp. 1-18.
    Katal.org.BB301 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Báza dátxpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ
    OdkazyPERIODIKÁ-Súborný záznam periodika


  2. NázovSoftvérová podpora liečenia fóbií prostredníctvom virtuálnej reality
    Aut.údajeVladimír Siládi, Jozef Medveď; rec. Peter Trhan, Jana Jacková ... [et al.]
    Autor Siládi Vladimír 1970- (10%) UMBFP05 - Katedra informatiky
    Spoluautori Medveď Jozef (90%)
    Ďalší autori Trhan Peter 1975- (Recenzent)
    Jacková Jana 1963- (Recenzent)
    Melicherčík Miroslav 1984- (Recenzent)
    Vagač Michal 1977- (Recenzent)
    Zdroj.dok. Prírodovedec 2015 : zborník príspevkov zo ŠVK 2015 konanej v Banskej Bystrici 23. apríla 2015. S. 35-43. - Banská Bystrica : Univerzita Mateja Bela, Fakulta prírodných vied, 2015 / Račáková Slavka 1978- ; Spišiak Ján 1953- ; Prírodovedec 2015 študentská vedecká konferencia
    Kľúč.slová virtuálna realita - virtual reality   fóbie - phobias   terapia - liečba - liečenie - therapy   softvérová podpora - software support   virtual reality system   phobia treatment   exposure therapy  
    Jazyk dok.slovenčina
    KrajinaSlovenská republika
    Systematika 004
    Kategória publikačnej činnosti AFD
    Číslo archívnej kópie33620
    Katal.org.BB301 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Báza dátxpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ


  3. TitleVyužitie virtuálnej reality na liečenie fóbií
    Par.titleUsing virtual reality in treatment of phobias
    Author infoVladimír Siládi, Dana Horváthová, Peter Sojka
    Author Siládi Vladimír 1970- (34%) UMBFP05 - Katedra informatiky
    Co-authors Horváthová Dana 1965- (33%) UMBFP05 - Katedra informatiky
    Sojka Peter (33%)
    Source document Konferencia NITT - SK 2014 Transfer technológií na Slovensku a v zahraničí : zborník abstraktov : Bratislava 8. 10. 2014. S. 40. - Bratislava : Centrum vedecko-technických informácií Slovenskej republiky, 2014 / Shearman Adriana ; Konferencia NITT - SK 2014 Transfer technológií na Slovensku a v zahraničí konferencia
    Keywords virtuálna realita - virtual reality   fóbie - phobias   psychoterapia - psychotherapy   3D Blender  
    CountrySlovak Republic
    systematics 004.946
    URL Link na plný text
    Public work category AFH
    No. of Archival Copy30861
    Catal.org.BB301 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Databasexpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ


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