Počet záznamov: 1
EU security threats resulting from disinformation in cyberspace
- Fabián, Karol, 1949-2025 EU security threats resulting from disinformation in cyberspace / Karol Fabián, Jozef Michal Mintal, Jaroslav Ušiak. chapt. 5
In Analysis of social network security threats in the cyberspace Fabián, Karol, 1949-2025. -- Kraków : University of Public and Individual Security "Apeiron" in Krakow, 2020. -- 236 s.. -- ISBN ISBN 978-83-64035-70-8. -- S. 116-138 [1,10 AH]
1. Európska únia 2. kyberpriestor 3. bezpečnosť 4. dezinformácie 5. kapitoly v knihe
I. Mintal, Jozef Michal, 1992-
II. Ušiak, Jaroslav, 1983-
III. Analysis of social network security threats in the cyberspace. -- S. 116-138 [1,10 AH]
Počet záznamov: 1