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Difficulties in translating terminological phrasemes in economic print media from French, Spanish and English into Slovak - a contrastive approach
Názov Difficulties in translating terminological phrasemes in economic print media from French, Spanish and English into Slovak - a contrastive approach Aut.údaje Ľudmila Mešková, Janka Kubeková Autor Mešková Ľudmila 1948- (50%) UMBFF03 - Katedra európskych kultúrnych štúdií
Spoluautori Kubeková Janka 1971- (50%) UMBEF06 - Katedra odbornej jazykovej komunikácie
Zdroj.dok. Journal of social sciences. Vol. 11, no. 3 (2015), pp. 304-316. - : [s. l.] : [s. n.], 2015 Kľúč.slová frazeológia - phraseology terminológia - terminology prekladateľstvo - translating Jazyk dok. angličtina Systematika 81'373.7 Anotácia The aim of this study is to demonstrate that the correct identification, understanding and translating of terminological phrasemes can cause difficulty for students, translators, managers and entrepreneurs. The theoretical framework of this study comprises phraseology, phraseodidactics and one branch of cognitive linguistics - construction grammar-which takes into account phrases and not only individual words. Professional economic phrasemes were first compiled on the International Monetary Fund (IMF) glossary web 2014 terminological database. From this database, 126 figurative compound terms were selected in three source languages (Spanish, French and English) and compared with terms in one target language (Slovak).We have primarily focused on the occurrence of these terminological phrasemes in the print media and they have been analysed from the point of view of difficulties which might be caused within the process of translation. Similarities and peculiarities of these terminological phrasemes have been discovered through analysis of the equivalents in the four aforementioned languages and the outcomes of this study also highlight differences regarding intercultural aspects. The acquisition of general phrasemes and in this case terminological phrasemes, is the important part of language skills not only for students of economics, but also for future translators and professional translators Cieľom štúdie bolo poukázať na to, ako správne identifikovať odborné frazémy, ako im porozumieť a ako ich preložiť. Výskum vychádzal z terminologickej databázy z francúzskych, španielskych a anglických odborných frazém, ktoré sa overovali v ekonomických printových médiách a porovnávali so slovenskými ekvivalentmi. Analýza korpusu poukázala na problémy s prekladom najmä tých frazém, ktoré mali inú obraznosť (interkultúrne rozdiely) URL http://thescipub.com/abstract/10.3844/jssp.2015.304.316 Kategória publikačnej činnosti ADE Číslo archívnej kópie 34192 Kategória ohlasu DINŽÍKOVÁ, Iveta. Usefulness of corpus linguistic methods in the analysis of phrasemes in journalistic texts. In XLinguae. ISSN 1337-8384, 2018, vol. 11, no. 1XL, pp. 347-364.
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