Počet záznamov: 1
Trends in human resources management after the global crisis
- Elexová, Gabriela, 1983-
Trends in human resources management after the global crisis = Trendy v riadení ľudských zdrojov v období po globálnej kríze / Gabriela Elexová. -- The chapter deals with new trends in human resources management after the global crisis. It focuses on the changes in personnel activities` performance as a consequence of necessary restrictive measures. The chapter provides the findings of two surveys conducted on the sample of Slovak enterprises
In Human potential management in a company : monography Borkowski, Stanisław. -- Dnipropetrovsk : Yurii V. Makovetsky, 2011. -- 124 s.. -- ISBN ISBN 978-966-1507-40-0. -- S. 17-31
Počet záznamov: 1