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Analysis of changes in volume capacity of selected artificial water reservoirs of the Banská Štiavnica water management system

  1. NázovAnalysis of changes in volume capacity of selected artificial water reservoirs of the Banská Štiavnica water management system
    Aut.údajeDaniel Kubinský, Karol Weis ... [et al.]; rec. Pavel Hronček, Mariusz Sojka
    Autor Kubinský Daniel 1986- (5%)
    Spoluautori Weis Karol 1972- (35%) UMBFP01 - Katedra geografie a geológie
    Fuska Jakub (35%)
    Petrovič František (25%)
    Ďalší autori Hronček Pavel 1973- (Recenzent)
    Sojka Mariusz (Recenzent)
    Vyd.údajeKrakow : House of the University of Agriculture in Krakow , 2019. - 119 s.
    Vydanie1. vyd.
    Kľúč.slová water reservoirs   vodohospodárske sústavy - water management systems   prvotná krajinná štruktúra - primary landscape structure  
    Heslá geogr. Banská Štiavnica (Slovensko)
    Form.deskr.monografie - monographies
    Jazyk dok.angličtina
    AnotáciaSince 1955, the state has taken over the role of administrator of the tajchy of Banská Štiavnica. Through the Slovak Water Management Company, state-owned enterprise, the state has been implementing a reconstruction and revitalization program since 1996 under the title “Partial Reconstruction of Water Reservoirs in Banská Štiavnica”. Unfortunately it does not solve the problems with the devastation of supply sluices, nor the problems with micro-basins associated with increased erosion and consequently sediment transport and sedimentation in the water res- 8 Analysis of changes in volume capacity of selected artificial water reservoirs... ervoirs area. In effect it is gradually fouling and losing its total storage volume, even though the water reservoirs are under UNESCO protection and one of their newly defined functions is protection against floods. Despite all this, water reservoirs are still used to a large extent for recreation, extensive fish farming, and water accumulation contributing significantly to flood protection. They represent one of the dominant phenomena of the region’s distinctive appearance. During the whole period of mining in Banská Štiavnica, a number of reservoirs, both large and small, were gradually established, rebuilt and abandoned. A team of authors (Hydroconsult 1991) describes more than 60 such reservoirs. Today, however, we know there are more, which were not included in their work, and their traces are more or less visible in the terrain. They are currently subject to more detailed research. For example, smaller water reservoirs, now almost vanished, are built in several lateral and smaller valleys of the Hodruša valley, where only relics of former mining activity are found today. All existing and abolished water reservoirs were situated in the Hron or Ipeľ basins. Today, we distinguish these according to the geographic location of the individual micro-basins into the following groups: water reservoirs of Piargy, Banská Štiavnica, Kolp
    Kategória publikačnej činnosti AAA
    Číslo archívnej kópie47953
    Kategória ohlasu LIPTÁKOVÁ, Katarína. Historical water reservoirs in the vicinity of Banská Štiavnica. In Geografické informácie [vol. 20]: 24th international geographical conference on geographical aspects of Central Europe - new challenges for development, Nitra, 12th-13th October 2016. Nitra : Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, 2016. ISSN 1337-9453, pp. 587-597.
    Katal.org.BB301 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Báza dátxpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ
    NázovTři kroky po zemi
    Podnázovpříběhy a myšlenky kolem vědy
    Aut.údajeMiroslav Holub
    Autor Holub Miroslav 1923-1998

Počet záznamov: 1  

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