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Nové metódy vo výučbe cudzích jazykov na vysokých školách ekonomického zamerania

  1. NázovNové metódy vo výučbe cudzích jazykov na vysokých školách ekonomického zamerania
    Aut.údajeIveta Kontríková
    Autor Kontríková Iveta 1963- (100%) UMBEF09 - Inštitút manažérskych systémov (detašované pracovisko Poprad)
    Zdroj.dok.Modernizace výuky cizích jazyků pro zvýšení konkurenceschopnosti absolventů vysokých škol. S. 1-7. - Liberec : Technická univerzita, 2009
    Kľúč.slová výučba cudzích jazykov - cudzojazyčná výučba - foreign language teaching   ekonomické zameranie   vzdelávacie projekty - educational projects  
    Jazyk dok.slovenčina
    KrajinaSlovenská republika
    Systematika 81
    AnotáciaForeign languages at universities of economics should belong among the key subjects of future experts in the area of economics – first of all future managers, businessmen, financial and marketing experts, etc. This fact is closely connected with the requirements of labour market which is influenced by globalization, permanent expansion of international labour market, mobility of labour force. Students of economics after they graduate from universities may work at their domestic countries but they will not avoid contacts with foreign partners, but they may also work in abroad or will get a chance to obtain special economic knowledge within the system of credit studies or university practice in abroad. Especially these facts require a necessity of foreign languages teaching modernization. Graduates of economic universities and faculties should know not only general language including all standard language skills but they should know special language as one of key competencies together with other competencies concerning foreign languages teaching and learning i.e. they should obtain an intercultural competency, strengthen special competencies due specific features of countries where the language is being used as mother tongue, improve communicative competence. For that reason it is required to utilize teaching forms and methods which support acquirement the above mentioned competencies. An ideal method are for example short term and long term projects executed especially in cooperation with foreign partners – at schools with the students of similar fields of study in abroad. At present also media present an important aid in the process of foreign languages teaching since they bring not only new knowledge from a particular sphere but in education also new vocabulary, terminology, phraseology, etc.
    Kategória publikačnej činnosti AEC
    Číslo archívnej kópie13079
    Katal.org.BB301 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Báza dátxpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ


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