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  1. TitleIn search of key performance indicators of regional competitiveness in the European Union
    Author infoKamila Borseková, Samuel Koróny ... [et al.]
    Author Borseková Kamila 1984- (45%) UMBEF16 - Výskumné a inovačné centrum
    Co-authors Koróny Samuel 1958- (45%) UMBEF16 - Výskumné a inovačné centrum
    Lawson Colin Wiliam 1948- (10%)
    Source document Journal of regional science. Vol. 64, no. 3 (2024), pp. 961-986. - Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2024
    Keywords CART   korelačné analýzy - correlation analysis   kľúčové ukazovatele výkonnosti - key performance indicators   regresná analýza - regression analysis  
    Form. Descr.články - journal articles
    CountryUnited States of America
    AnnotationThis study investigates key performance indicators (KPIs) affecting regional competitiveness in the European Union (EU) and compares its performance across two groups of EU regions identified by their development phase based on the path dependence argument. Utilizing 40 indicators from the Regional Competitiveness Index (RCI) across 268 NUTS2 regions, it identifies five critical KPIs: Knowledge workers, Employment rate, Labor productivity, Potential market size, and not in education, employment, or training. The classification and regression tree decision tree reveals the labor market efficiency pillar as crucial for RCI classification. Offering unique insights into RCI indicators and their impact, this research provides a policy‐oriented perspective and suggests avenues for further comparative research.
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    Public work category ADC
    No. of Archival Copy54532 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Databasexpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ
    ReferencesPERIODIKÁ-Súborný záznam periodika
  2. TitleBenchmarking the efficiency of water companies: application of DEA
    Author infoEmília Zimková ... [et al.]
    Author Zimková Emília 1964- (25%) UMBEF04 - Katedra financií a účtovníctva
    Co-authors Sičová Kristína (25%)
    Pintér Ľubomír 1972- (25%) UMBEF04 - Katedra financií a účtovníctva
    Lawson Colin Wiliam 1948- (25%)
    Source document AMSE 2023: Applications of Mathematics and Statistics in Economics 2023 : book of abstracts of the anniversary 25th AMSE. S. 31-31. - Banská Bystrica : Občianske združenie FINANC, 2023 / Grausová Mária 1976- ; Zimka Rudolf 1943- ; Zimková Emília 1964- ; Hindls Richard 1950- ; Hronová Stanislava 1954- ; Dębicka Joanna ; Ostasiewicz Walenty ; Boďa Martin 1984- ; Vltavská Kristýna ; Zmyślona Beata ; AMSE - Applications of Mathematics and Statistics in Economics medzinárodná vedecká konferencia
    Keywords vodohospodárstvo   vodárenská spoločnosť   benchmarking   modely DEA - DEA models  
    Form. Descr.abstrakty - abstracts
    CountrySlovak Republic
    Public work category AFH
    No. of Archival Copy53379 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Databasexpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ
  3. TitleEfficiency evaluation of water sector in the Czech Republic: two-stage network DEA
    Author infoEmília Zimková, Petra Gurčíková ... [et al.]
    Author Zimková Emília 1964- (50%) UMBEF04 - Katedra financií a účtovníctva
    Co-authors Cisková Petra 1994- (20%)
    Vidiečanová Michaela 1996- (10%) UMBEF04 - Katedra financií a účtovníctva
    Pintér Ľubomír 1972- (10%) UMBEF04 - Katedra financií a účtovníctva
    Lawson Colin Wiliam 1948- (10%)
    Source document Statistika : Statistics and Economy Journal. Vol. 103, no. 4 (2023), pp. 462-475. - Praha : Český statistický úřad, 2023
    Keywords výkon   optimalizácia - optimization   regulácia - regulation   vodárenský priemysel   SBM model   covid-19 - koronavírus - Covid-19 (disease) - SARS-CoV-2 disease - Coronavirus disease 2019  
    Form. Descr.články - journal articles
    CountryCzech Republic
    URL Link na plný text
    Public work category ADM
    No. of Archival Copy53766 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Databasexpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ
    ReferencesPERIODIKÁ-Súborný záznam periodika
  4. TitleThe technical efficiency of Slovak water companies: an application of network DEA
    Author infoEmília Zimková ... [et al.]
    Author Zimková Emília 1964- (50%) UMBEF04 - Katedra financií a účtovníctva
    Co-authors Sičová Kristína (20%)
    Pintér Ľubomír 1972- (20%) UMBEF04 - Katedra financií a účtovníctva
    Lawson Colin Wiliam 1948- (10%)
    Source document The NISPAcee journal of public administration and policy. Vol. 16, no. 2 (2023), pp. 220-244. - Warsaw : De Gruyter Poland, 2023
    Keywords benchmarking   voda - water   vodárenské spoločnosti - water companies   technická efektívnosť   analýza obalu dát - analýza dátových obalov - data envelopment analysis - DEA  
    Form. Descr.články - journal articles
    Public work category ADN
    No. of Archival Copy53986
    Repercussion category MINH DANG, Nguyet Thi - PHAM, Ha Viet - NGUYEN, HueThi - BUI, Thu Thi - NGUYEN, Trang Huyen. Applying DEA method and malmquist index in evaluating the business performance of securities companies listed on the Vietnam stock market. In International journal of education, business and economics research [online]. 2024, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 48-60 [cit. 2024-04-10]. ISSN 2583-3006. Dostupné na: - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Databasexpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ
    ReferencesPERIODIKÁ-Súborný záznam periodika
  5. TitleVisegrad trust in the European Central Bank: common and country specific determinants 2005-2018
    Author infoPetra Cisková, Emília Zimková, Colin Lawson
    Author Cisková Petra 1994- (34%) UMBEF05 - Katedra kvantitatívnych metód a informačných systémov
    Co-authors Zimková Emília 1964- (33%) UMBEF04 - Katedra financií a účtovníctva
    Lawson Colin Wiliam 1948- (33%)
    Source document Bank i Kredyt. Vol. 52, no. 6 (2021), pp. 495-516. - Varšava : Narodowy Bank Polski, 2021
    Keywords Európska centrálna banka   Višegrádska trojka   Eurobarometer  
    Form. Descr.články - journal articles
    URL Link na plný text
    Public work category ADM
    No. of Archival Copy51590 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Databasexpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ
    ReferencesPERIODIKÁ-Súborný záznam periodika
  6. TitleValuation of equity release contracts in Czech Republic, Republic of Poland and Slovak Republic
    Author infoAgnieszka Marciniuk ... [et al.]
    Author Marciniuk Agnieszka (25%)
    Co-authors Zimková Emília 1964- (25%) UMBEF04 - Katedra financií a účtovníctva
    Farkašovský Vlastimil 1988- (25%)
    Lawson Colin Wiliam 1948- (25%)
    Source document Prague Economic Papers. Roč. 29 č. 5 (2020), s. 505-521. - Praha : Vysoká škola ekonomická, 2020
    Keywords vlastné imanie   obchodné zmluvy   ocenenia  
    Headings Geogr. Slovensko
    CountryCzech Republic
    Annotation© 2020, Vysoka Skola Ekonomicka. All rights reserved. An ageing European population and, therefore, a rising dependency ratio of retirees to the working population, strongly suggests that a pension funding gap will be a key social issue in future. Yet many older people have significant real estate assets that they could access using equity release products. They could sell their assets in exchange for lifelong or temporary monthly payments. Equity release products are relatively new to Poland, but are not yet offered by commercial banks in Czechia and Slovakia. This paper estimates the potential benefits of marriage reverse annuity, and reverse mortgage contracts, using the Svensson model function, and empirical property data from selected Czech, Slovak and Polish cities. The results are also compared to the average pension of inhabitants in the selected cities. It is shown that there is substantial scope for boosting retirement income in all the cases considered, though the precise size of the increase depends on factors such as contract buyers’ age and life expectancy, the value of their assets, the payment consequences of a spouse’s death, and contract suppliers’ pricing policies.
    Public work category ADM
    No. of Archival Copy48557
    Repercussion category MARCINKIEWICZ, Edyta - CHYBALSKI, Filip. Mass homeownership policy and economic well-being of the elderly : empirical evidence from the Polish household survey. In International journal of sociology and social policy. ISSN 0144-333X, 2022, vol. 42, no. 11-12, pp. 1129-1144. - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Databasexpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ
    ReferencesPERIODIKÁ-Súborný záznam periodika
  7. TitleFactors determining the efficiency of Slovak public procurement
    Author infoMatúš Grega ... [et al.]
    Author Grega Matúš 1989- (25%)
    Co-authors Orviská Marta 1963-2023 (25%) UMBEF04 - Katedra financií a účtovníctva
    Nemec Juraj 1960- (25%)
    Lawson Colin Wiliam 1948- (25%)
    Source document The NISPAcee journal of public administration and policy. Vol. 12, no. 1 (2019), pp. 43-68. - Bratislava : NISPAcee Press, 2019
    Keywords ekonomika - economics   verejné obstarávanie - public procurement  
    Headings Geogr. Slovensko
    CountrySlovak Republic
    URLLink na plný text Link na plný text
    Public work category ADN
    No. of Archival Copy47464
    Repercussion category SUMPIKOVA, Marketa - DURCEKOVA, Ina. Transaction costs, outsourcing, and the public procurement review process in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. In NISPAcee journal of public administration and policy. ISSN 1337-9038, 2019, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 233-250.
    GAVUROVA, Beata - BELAS, Jaroslav - ROWLAND, Zuzana - KUBAK, Matus. The impact of agreement on government procurement use on the competition in Slovak healthcare sector. In Administratie si management public. ISSN 1583-9583, 2021, vol. 2021, no. 36, pp. 102-115.
    RODIONOVA, Yuliya. Conflict resolution practice in public procurement : evidence from Russia. In International journal of conflict management. ISSN 1044-4068, 2021, vol. 32, no. 5, pp. 747-768.
    EGOROVA, Maria - ANDREEVA, Luibov - ANDREEV, Vladimir - TSINDELIANI, Imeda - KIKAVETS, Vitaly. Digitalization of public procurement in the Russian Federation : case study. In The NISPAcee journal of public administration and policy. ISSN 1337-9038, 2021, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 87-106.
    GAVUROVA, Beata - KUBAK, Matus. The efficiency evaluation of public procurement of medical equipment. In Entrepreneurship and sustainability issues. ISSN 2345-0282, 2021, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 193-209.
    YAHAYA, M. L. - IBRAHIM, I. - SANI, M. Comparative review of the magnitude of transaction costs in construction procurement projects between developed and developing countries. In Journal of applied sciences and environmental management. ISSN 1119-8362, 2021, vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 525-530.
    YAKOVLEV, A. A. - BALAEVA, O. N. - RODIONOVA, Yu. D - TKACHENKO, A. V. Problems and efficiency of public procurement through the eyes of their participants. In Èko (Novosibirsk). ISSN 0131-7652, 2020, no. 11, pp. 83-103.
    PALENIKOVA, Marketa - SPETIK, Ondrej - PALENIK, Robert - ILIK, Jan - ADAMIK, Michal. Implementation of sustainable public procurement in the rail transport in the Czech Republic and a comparison with the other members of the Visegrad Group. In The NSIPAcee journal of public administration and policy. ISSN 1337-9038, 2022, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 167-199.
    AMANKWA, Mark Opoku - TETTEH, Emmanuel Kweinor. Comparative analysis of public procurement and public financial management within Asia and Africa. In International journal of procurement management. ISSN 1753-8432, 2022, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 133-159.
    BALAEVA, Olga - RODIONOVA, Yuliya - YAKOVLEV, Andrei - TKACHENKO, Andrey. Public procurement efficiency as perceived by market participants : the case of Russia. In International journal of public administration. ISSN 0190-0692, 2022, vol. 45, no. 16, pp. 1156-1167. - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Databasexpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ
    ReferencesPERIODIKÁ-Súborný záznam periodika


  8. TitleThe role of accountability arrangements in social innovations: evidence from the UK and Slovakia
    Author infoJuraj Nemec, Marta Orviská, Colin Lawson
    Author Nemec Juraj 1960- (34%)
    Co-authors Orviská Marta 1963-2023 (33%) UMBEF04 - Katedra financií a účtovníctva
    Lawson Colin Wiliam 1948- (33%) UMBEF04 - Katedra financií a účtovníctva
    Source document The NISPAcee journal of public administration and policy. Vol. 9, no. 1 (2016), pp. 73-96. - Bratislava : NISPAcee Press, 2016
    Keywords social innovations   verejná správa - public administration   contracting-out public services  
    Headings Geogr. Veľká Británia
    CountrySlovak Republic
    systematics 35
    Public work category ADN
    No. of Archival Copy36638
    Repercussion category MAKYŠOVÁ, Lucia - VACEKOVÁ, Gabriela. Profitable Nonprofits? Reward-based crowdfunding in the Czech Republic. In NISPAcee journal of public administration and policy. ISSN 1337-9038, 2017, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 203-227.
    PROKOP, Viktor - STEJSKAL, Jan. The impact of soft knowledge infrastructure and HRST on economic development. In 2nd international conference : knowledge engineering and applications (ICKEA), London, 21th-23rd October 2017. New York : IEEE, 2017. ISBN 978-1-5386-2150-9, pp. 156-161.
    PLAČEK, Michal - PŮČEK, Milan - OCHRANA, František. Identifying corruption risk : a comparison of Bulgaria and the Czech Republic. In Journal of comparative policy analysis : research and practice. ISSN 1387-6988, 2019, vol. 21, no. 4, pp. 366-384.
    PLACEK, Michal - VALENTINOV, Vladislav - OCHRANA, Frantisek - VACEKOVA, Gabriela - LANGR, Ivan - PUCEK, Milan. The evolving perceptions of corruption in Czechoslovakia and the Czech Republic. In Governance : international journal of policy administration and institutions. ISSN 0952-1895, 2022, vol. 35, no. 2, pp. 651-659. - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Databasexpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ
    References (1) - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ
    ReferencesPERIODIKÁ-Súborný záznam periodika
  9. TitleMapping and analysing the recommendations of ombuds-men, audit offices and emerging accountability mechanisms
    Subtitleresearch report no. 3 of the LIPSE project (work package 3)
    Author infoWouter van Acker ... [et al.]
    Author Acker Wouter van (10%)
    Co-authors Bouckaert Geert (9%)
    Frees Wout (9%)
    Nemec Juraj 1960- (9%)
    Orviská Marta 1963-2023 (9%)
    Lawson Colin Wiliam 1948- (9%)
    Matei Ani (9%)
    Savulescu Carmen (9%)
    Monthubert Erwane Morette (9%)
    Nederhand José (9%)
    Flemig Sophie (9%)
    Issue dataRotterdam : Learning from Innovation in Public Sector Environments (LIPSE) , 2015. - 226 p.
    Keywords výskumné správy - research reports   projekty - projects   výskumné projekty - research projects  
    Form. Descr.výskumné správy - research reports
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    Public work category GAI
    No. of Archival Copy50498
    Repercussion category DESMEDT, Ella - MORIN, Danielle - PATTYN, Valerie - BRANS, Marleen. Impact of performance audit on the aministration : a Belgian study (2005-2010). In Managerial auditing journal. ISSN 0268-6902, 2017, vol. 32, no. 3, pp. 251-275.
    GILL, Chris. What can government learn from the ombudsman? In Research handbook on the ombudsman. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar publishing, 2018. ISBN 978-1-78643-125-7, pp. 298-318.
    WILKINS, Peter. Framing recommendations. In Crossover of audit and evaluation practices : challenges and opportunities. Oxford : Routledge, 2020. ISBN 978-1-003-02102-5, pp. 101-117.
    SIHOMBING, Ranto Partomuan - AGUSTIA, Dian - SOEWARNO, Noorlailie. The mediating effect of data analytics on the relationship between organizational psychological safety and advisory services. In Managerial auditing journal. ISSN 0268-6902, 2023, vol. 38, no. 4, pp. 337-353. - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Databasexpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ
  10. TitleA debt sustainability analysis of the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic: a non parametric approach
    Par.titleAnalýza dlhovej udržateľnosti Českej a Slovenskej republiky: neparametrický prístup
    Author infoVlastimil Farkašovský, Colin Wiliam Lawson, Emília Zimková
    Author Farkašovský Vlastimil 1988- (40%) UMBEF04 - Katedra financií a účtovníctva
    Co-authors Lawson Colin Wiliam 1948- (20%)
    Zimková Emília 1964- (40%) UMBEF04 - Katedra financií a účtovníctva
    Source document E+M Ekonomie a Management. Roč. 18, č. 3 (2015), s. 18-29. - Liberec : Technická univerzita v Liberci, 2015
    Keywords udržateľnosť verejného dlhu   hrubý verejný dlh   public debt sustainability   verejný dlh - štátny dlh - public debts  
    CountryCzech Republic
    systematics 330
    AnnotationSurging public debt since the Great Recession has focused increasing attention on the issue of debt sustainability. This paper provides debt sustainability analyses for the Czech Republic and Slovakia by estimating their public debt to GDP, and primary balance to GDP ratios up until 2022 under three different projections. The fi rst, labelled the baseline projection, predicts their debt ratios to 2022, if neither their public debt to GDP ratios nor their primary balance to GDP ratios change. This projection uses the offi cial forecasts of the key variables. The second projection answers the question of how much the two counties have to consolidate, measured by their primary balance to GDP ratios, if they want to hold their public debt to GDP ratios at their current levels. The third projection answers the question of how much the countries have to consolidate if they aim to reattain their December 2008 pre-crisis public debt to GDP ratios. All three projections are made for the same fi ve scenarios, which cover a status quo case, where offi cial forecasts are realized, and both optimistic and pessimistic scenarios for growth and consolidation outcomes. The paper`s novelty lies in its development of an existing non-parametric methodology to encompass iterative numerical solution methods to assess public debt sustainability. This allows a richer set of results to be obtained, for example estimates for the required level of the public debt to GDP ratio, and the primary balance to GDP ratio, taking account of variables such as nominal interest rates, yields to maturity on public debt, infl ation rates and average maturities of debt
    Public work category ADM
    No. of Archival Copy34247
    Repercussion category KERSAN-SKABIC, Ines. How to measure sustainability in developed counties? a comparison of different approaches. In Economic and social development : 13th international scientific conference on economic and social development, Barcelona, 14th-16th April 2016. Varazdin : Varazdin development & enterpereneurship agency, 2016. ISSN 1849-7535, pp. 265-275.
    MIRDALA, Rajmund - KAMENIK, Martin. Effects of fiscal policy shocks in CE3 countries (tvar approach). In E+M. Ekonomie a management. ISSN 1212-3609, 2017, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 46-64.
    PČOLINSKÁ, Lenka - KALUZHNYI, Dmytro. Slovakia’s public debt - the Greek path? In Verejná správa a spoločnosť [online]. 2024, roč. 25, č. 1, s. 33-56 [cit. 2024-09-04]. ISSN 2453-9236. Dostupné na: - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Databasexpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ
    ReferencesPERIODIKÁ-Súborný záznam periodika


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