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  1. TitleIn search of key performance indicators of regional competitiveness in the European Union
    Author infoKamila Borseková, Samuel Koróny ... [et al.]
    Author Borseková Kamila 1984- (45%) UMBEF16 - Výskumné a inovačné centrum
    Co-authors Koróny Samuel 1958- (45%) UMBEF16 - Výskumné a inovačné centrum
    Lawson Colin Wiliam 1948- (10%)
    Source document Journal of regional science. Vol. 64, no. 3 (2024), pp. 961-986. - Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2024
    Keywords CART   korelačné analýzy - correlation analysis   kľúčové ukazovatele výkonnosti - key performance indicators   regresná analýza - regression analysis  
    Form. Descr.články - journal articles
    CountryUnited States of America
    AnnotationThis study investigates key performance indicators (KPIs) affecting regional competitiveness in the European Union (EU) and compares its performance across two groups of EU regions identified by their development phase based on the path dependence argument. Utilizing 40 indicators from the Regional Competitiveness Index (RCI) across 268 NUTS2 regions, it identifies five critical KPIs: Knowledge workers, Employment rate, Labor productivity, Potential market size, and not in education, employment, or training. The classification and regression tree decision tree reveals the labor market efficiency pillar as crucial for RCI classification. Offering unique insights into RCI indicators and their impact, this research provides a policy‐oriented perspective and suggests avenues for further comparative research.
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    Public work category ADC
    No. of Archival Copy54532 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Databasexpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ
    ReferencesPERIODIKÁ-Súborný záznam periodika
  2. TitleDigital transformation in local municipalities
    Subtitletheory versus practice
    Author infoKatarína Vitálišová ... [et al.]
    Author Vitálišová Katarína 1985- (20%) UMBEF15 - Katedra verejnej ekonomiky a regionálneho rozvoja
    Co-authors Sýkorová Katarína 1982- (16%) UMBEF15 - Katedra verejnej ekonomiky a regionálneho rozvoja
    Koróny Samuel 1958- (16%) UMBEF16 - Výskumné a inovačné centrum
    Laco Peter 1975- (16%) UMBEF05 - Katedra kvantitatívnych metód a informačných systémov
    Vaňová Anna 1965- (16%) UMBEF15 - Katedra verejnej ekonomiky a regionálneho rozvoja
    Borseková Kamila 1984- (16%) UMBEF16 - Výskumné a inovačné centrum
    Source document Participatory and digital democracy at the local level : European discourses and practices. Pp. 207-226. - Cham : Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2023 ; Le digital et la démocratie participative au niveau local : discours et pratiques européennes Participatory Democracy and Digital at Local Level: European Discourses and Practices medzinárodná konferencia
    Keywords miestna verejná správa - local public administration   digitálna transformácia - digital transformation   regionálny rozvoj - regional development  
    Form. Descr.príspevky v zborníku - proceedings papers
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    Public work category AEC
    No. of Archival Copy52959 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Databasexpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ
  3. TitleResilience and vulnerability of regional labour markets: principal component analysis of labour market efficiency in the EU
    Author infoKamila Borsekova, Samuel Koróny
    Author Borseková Kamila 1984- (50%) UMBEF16 - Výskumné a inovačné centrum
    Co-authors Koróny Samuel 1958- (50%) UMBEF16 - Výskumné a inovačné centrum
    Source document Regional Studies. Vol. 57, no 12 (2023), pp. 2373-2390. - Londýn : Routledge, 2023
    Keywords trh práce - labour market - labor market   regionálny trh práce   rozhodovacie stromy - decision trees   regresná analýza - regression analysis  
    Form. Descr.články - journal articles
    CountryGreat Britian
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    Public work category ADC
    No. of Archival Copy53647 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Databasexpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ
    ReferencesPERIODIKÁ-Súborný záznam periodika
  4. TitleIn search of concerted strategies for competitive and resilient regions
    Author infoKamila Borseková ... [et al.]
    Author Borseková Kamila 1984- (45%) UMBEF16 - Výskumné a inovačné centrum
    Co-authors Koróny Samuel 1958- (45%) UMBEF16 - Výskumné a inovačné centrum
    Nijkamp Peter (10%)
    Source document Networks and spatial economics : a journal of infrastructure modeling and computation. Vol. 22, no. 3 (2022), pp. 607-634. - Dordrecht : Springer, 2022
    Keywords odolnosť - resilience   konkurencieschopnosť - competitiveness   región   súčasná stratégia  
    Form. Descr.články - journal articles
    URLLink na plný text
    Public work category ADC
    No. of Archival Copy52074 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Databasexpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ
    ReferencesPERIODIKÁ-Súborný záznam periodika
  5. TitleBenefits and obstacles of smart governance in cities
    Author infoKatarína Vitálišová ... [et al.]
    Author Vitálišová Katarína 1985- (40%) UMBEF15 - Katedra verejnej ekonomiky a regionálneho rozvoja
    Co-authors Sýkorová Katarína 1982- (20%) UMBEF15 - Katedra verejnej ekonomiky a regionálneho rozvoja
    Koróny Samuel 1958- (20%) UMBEF16 - Výskumné a inovačné centrum
    Rojíková Darina 1994- (20%) UMBEF15 - Katedra verejnej ekonomiky a regionálneho rozvoja
    Source document Science and technologies for smart cities : proceedings. Pp. 366-380. - Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2022 ; EAI International Conference, SmartCity360° medzinárodná konferencia
    Keywords nástroje - tools   inteligentné vládnutie - inteligentné riadenie - smart governance   mestá - cities and towns  
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    Public work category AFC
    No. of Archival Copy51820
    Repercussion category SAROFAH, Riska. Transformasi pemerintah lokal: penerapan smart governance melalui konsep kolaboratif di Indonesia. In Prosiding Konfrensi Nasional Ilmu Administrasi [online]. 2022, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 372-378 [cit. 2024-08-08]. ISSN 2988-5485. Dostupné na: - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Databasexpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ
  6. TitleImpacts of electronic monitoring on the community life: blessing or disguise?
    Author infoKatarína Vitálišová, Kamila Borseková ... [et al.]
    Author Vitálišová Katarína 1985- (30%) UMBEF15 - Katedra verejnej ekonomiky a regionálneho rozvoja
    Co-authors Borseková Kamila 1984- (25%) UMBEF16 - Výskumné a inovačné centrum
    Vaňová Anna 1965- (25%) UMBEF15 - Katedra verejnej ekonomiky a regionálneho rozvoja
    Koróny Samuel 1958- (20%) UMBEF16 - Výskumné a inovačné centrum
    Source document Journal of criminological research, policy and practice. Vol. 7, no. 3 (2021), pp. 221-232. - Bingley : Emerald Group Publishing, 2021
    Keywords elektronické monitorovanie - elektronický monitoring - electronic monitoring   pracovná komunita   benefity - prínosy - benefits  
    Form. Descr.články - journal articles
    CountryGreat Britian
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    Public work category ADM
    No. of Archival Copy50554 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Databasexpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ
    ReferencesPERIODIKÁ-Súborný záznam periodika
  7. TitleTraces of the Iron Curtain: A multivariate analysis of regional cohesion in Europe
    Author infoKamila Borseková, Samuel Korony, Peter Nijkamp
    Author Borseková Kamila 1984- (40%) UMBEF16 - Výskumné a inovačné centrum
    Co-authors Koróny Samuel 1958- (40%) UMBEF16 - Výskumné a inovačné centrum
    Nijkamp Peter (20%)
    Source document Socio-Economic Planning Sciences. Vol. 78 (2021), pp. 1-13. - New York : Elsevier Science Ltd., 2021
    Keywords teritoriálna kohézia   rozhodovacie stromy - decision trees  
    Form. Descr.články - journal articles
    CountryUnited States of America
    AnnotationThe present study aims to test relative welfare differences among regions in Europe, so as to examine whether the post-communist era has led to more socio-economic cohesion in Europe. The performance of European regions is analysed, compared, and assessed by using the Regional Competitiveness Index (RCI) and stylised fixed nominal categories. The current status of regional cohesion is tested on the basis of detailed data on 268 NUTS 2 European regions by using a robust methodology oriented towards univariate comparison of location parameters, multivariate classification by the decision tree and CHAID algorithm, and comparison of nominal variables with four values based on density plots. Multivariate classification appears to offer statistically excellent results with an overall correct prediction rate for post-socialist and capitalist regions in Europe of 99.6%. The research results from the Higher education and Innovation pillars, reveal a convergence of capitalist and post-socialist regions with capital cities and a divergence of regions with administrative capitals and other regions. Relatively, the two groups which perform best are both groups with capitals, while the group of capitalist regions with a capital city is significantly better in almost all pillars. The key message is that the transition of post-socialist regions is not yet over. Capitalist regions in Europe perform better than post-socialist regions in eight of the nine pillars of regional competitiveness. Our research results also reveal that the group of post-socialist regions without capital cities are significantly lagging behind the rest of the regions in Europe, and thus form the most vulnerable group of European regions. As there is data continuity in the official RCI classification and measurement, policy makers will be able to compare the performance of their own regions over time and to design appropriate concerted strategies accordingly. From this perspective, our study draws several interesting lessons and results for policy makers at various levels. Place-based regional planning and policy based on our analysis framework may be helpful in developing effective measures to cope with the socio-economic legacy of the “Iron Curtain” and get closer to regional cohesion in Europe.
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    Public work category ADC
    No. of Archival Copy51060 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Databasexpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ
    ReferencesPERIODIKÁ-Súborný záznam periodika
  8. TitleExploration of disparities in regions and specialized fields of day surgery system
    Author infoBeáta Gavurová, Samer Khouri, Samuel Koróny
    Author Gavurová Beáta (45%)
    Co-authors Khouri Samer (45%)
    Koróny Samuel 1958- (10%) UMBEF16 - Výskumné a inovačné centrum
    Source document International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. Vol. 17, no. 3 (2020), pp. [1-18]. - Basel : Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 2020
    Keywords day surgery   korešpondenčná analýza - correspondence analysis   regionálne rozdiely - regionálne disparity - regional disparities  
    Form. Descr.články - journal articles
    URLLink na plný text
    Public work category ADC
    No. of Archival Copy47526 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Databasexpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ
    ReferencesPERIODIKÁ-Súborný záznam periodika
  9. TitleChange of EU28 countries research and development indicators between 2010 and 2015
    Author infoMartina Halásková, Beáta Gavurová, Samuel Koróny
    Author Halásková Martina (34%)
    Co-authors Gavurová Beáta (33%)
    Koróny Samuel 1958- (33%) UMBEF16 - Výskumné a inovačné centrum
    Source document Economics and Sociology : Journal of Scientific Papers. Vol. 13, no. 1 (2020), pp. 230-248. - Szczecin : Centre of Sociological Research, 2020
    Corporation keywords Európska únia - European Union
    Keywords vedecký výskum - vedecké výskumy - scientific research   ekonomické ukazovatele - ekonomické indikátory - economic indicators  
    Form. Descr.články - journal articles
    Public work category ADM
    No. of Archival Copy47791 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Databasexpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ
    ReferencesPERIODIKÁ-Súborný záznam periodika
  10. TitleSustainable policy measures based on implementation of digital technologies in corrections: exploratory study from Slovakia and beyond
    Author infoKamila Borseková, Jaroslav Klátik ... [et al.]
    Author Borseková Kamila 1984- (20%) UMBEF16 - Výskumné a inovačné centrum
    Co-authors Klátik Jaroslav 1979- (10%) UMBPR12 - Katedra trestného práva, kriminológie, kriminalistiky a forenzných disciplín
    Koróny Samuel 1958- (20%) UMBEF16 - Výskumné a inovačné centrum
    Krištofík Peter 1971- (20%) UMBEF04 - Katedra financií a účtovníctva
    Mihók Peter 1976- (20%) UMBEF16 - Výskumné a inovačné centrum
    Orviský Martin 1990- (10%) UMBPR12 - Katedra trestného práva, kriminológie, kriminalistiky a forenzných disciplín
    Source document Sustainability. Vol. 12, no. 20 (2020), pp. [1-18]. - Basel : Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 2020
    Keywords digitálne technológie - digital technologies   elektronické monitorovanie - elektronický monitoring - electronic monitoring   nákladová efektívnosť - cost effectiveness   legal contexts   socio-economic factors  
    Form. Descr.články - journal articles
    Annotation© 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Across the world, millions of people are incarcerated every year, while hundreds of thousands of them are released back into their home communities. Despite several alternatives within the criminal justice system, incarceration is still considered as the most natural method of correction. This can lead to different types of unsustainable pathways within a society. Despite the growing importance and increasing use of digital technologies, there are relatively few scientific studies related to the implementation of digital technologies in corrections. Therefore, the present paper aims to assess the sustainable policy measures based on the implementation of digital technologies in corrections, namely electronic monitoring (EM). The ooriginality of our paper is supported by unique primary data gathered during the first national survey on the assessment of sustainability measures of EM in Slovakia. Our research reveals that EM implementation contributes to individual and institutional resilience in a socio-economic context; the requirements for a conditional release of serious offenders with mandatory EM seem to have created sustainable conditions for the use of this form of the EM “back door” scheme. EM programs are aimed at suppressing crime through increased accountability and monitoring, which leads to their sustainability. Maintaining social and family ties, reducing risk of imprisonment and undesirable new ties, and keeping working habits are the main sustainable policy measures of EM that support better social inclusion of offenders. Assessment of the sustainable policy measures based on the implementation of digital technologies in corrections, namely electronic monitoring (EM) uncovered in the present paper, creates space for further research and policy implications. Data protection, automated data processing and artificial intelligence in the implementation of digital technologies in corrections are impo
    Public work category ADC
    No. of Archival Copy48692
    Repercussion category PERÁČEK, Tomáš. A few remarks on the (im)perfection of the term securities : a theoretical study. In Juridical tribune. ISSN 2247-7195, 2021, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 135-149.
    BOSTAN, Ionel. Electronic surveillance in court proceedings and in the execution of criminal penalties : legislative and logistical steps regarding operationalising the electronic monitoring information system (EMIS) in Romania. In Laws. ISSN 2075-471X, 2022, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 1-25.
    ZIVANAI, Eugenia - MAHLANGU, Gilbert. Digital prison rehabilitation and successful re-entry into a digital society : a systematic literature review on the new reality on prison rehabilitation. In Cogent social sciences. ISSN ISSN 2331-1886, 2022, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 1-15.
    RIEGA-VIRÚ, Yasmina - SOTO, Mario Ninaquispe - SALAS-RIEGA, Juan Luis - ARIZOLA BACH, Joselyn Arellano. Expert systems and administration of justice in Peru and Brazil. In EIRCON 2022 : proceedings of the 2022 IEEE engineering international research conference, Lima, 26th-28th October 2022. [Piscataway] : Institute of electrical and electronics engineers, 2022. ISBN 978-166545082-9.
    MAHLANGU, Gilbert - ZIVANAI, Eugenia. Offender eLearning : a systematic literature review on re-entry, recidivism, and life after prison. In Cogent social sciences. ISSN 2331-1886, 2023, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 1-18.
    RIEGA-VIRÚ, Yasmina - NINAQUISPE-SOTO, Mario - SALAS, José Miguel - NATIVIDAD, Patricia - SALAS-RIEGA, Juan Luis - NILUPÚ-MORENO, Kiara. Artificial intelligence and criminal justice : a systematic review of the scientific literature. In 21st international multi-conference for engineering, education and technology : LACCEI 2023, Buenos Aires, 19th-21th July 2023. Boca Raton : Latin American and Caribbean consortium of engineering institutions, 2023. ISBN 978-628952074-3, pp. 1-8.
    FERREIRA DE OLIVEIRA, Leonardo - DA SILVA GOMES, Anderson - ENES, Yuri - VELLOSO CASTELO BRANCO, Thaíssa - PAIVA PIRES, Raíssa - BOLZON, Andrea - DEMO, Gisela. Path and future of artificial intelligence in the field of justice : a systematic literature review and a research agenda. In Springer Nature social sciences [online]. 2022, vol. 2, art. no. 180, pp. [cit. 2024-04-18]. ISSN 2662-9283. Dostupné na: - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Databasexpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ
    ReferencesPERIODIKÁ-Súborný záznam periodika

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