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  1. TitleMusic teachers influencing lives
    Author infoMária Strenáčiková ... [et al.]
    Author Strenáčiková Mária (34%)
    Co-authors Strenáčiková Mária, ml. (33%)
    Kološtová Mariana 1959- (33%) UMBPF02 - Katedra hudobnej kultúry
    Source document Klironomy journal, Issue 2 (5) - Culture and arts in the context of cultural. Pp. 101-107. - Ostrava : Tuculart, 2022 / Pfanenstiel Ivan
    Keywords hudba - music   učitelia - teachers   vzdelávanie - education  
    Form. Descr.príspevky v zborníku - proceedings papers
    CountryCzech Republic
    Annotationhistórii a súčasnosti slovenskej hudby je veľa učiteľov, ktorí s láskou vychovali celé generácie hudobníkov a ovplyvnili ich umeleckú kariéru i životné smerovanie. Vzdať hold týmto osobnostiam a sprístupniť ich činnosť širokej verejnosti je cieľom rozsiahleho Lexikónu osobností slovenskej hudobnej pedagogiky v rámci projektu KEGA 003UMB-4/2021. Cieľom tohto príspevku je stručne priblížiť dve výnimočné osobnosti, ktoré sa venujú svojej práci s talentovanými žiakmi rôznych vekových kategórií, v rôznych mestách, na rozdielnych typoch a stupňoch škôl, ale so spoločným poslaním. Spája ich láska k učiteľskému povolaniu, spôsob komunikácie, zodpovednosť a výnimočné ľudské hodnoty. Približujeme učiteľku hry na klavíri, interpretku a korepetítorku Vieru Horváthovú, výraznú postavu základného umeleckého školstva a vyučujúcu gregoriánskeho chorálu, výskumníčku a autorku teoretických prác Janku Bednárikovú, uznávanú pedagogičku katolíckej univerzity. Vo výskume bola použitá metóda dotazníka a rozhovory, ktoré sa realizovali v rokoch 2021-2022.
    Public work category AEC
    No. of Archival Copy51718 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Databasexpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ
  2. TitleExcursus into the history of solfege and its experimental application in the development of musical abilities in primary / secondary education
    Author infoMária Strenáčiková, Dagmar Strmeňová
    Author Strmeňová Dagmar 1976- (50%) UMBPF02 - Katedra hudobnej kultúry
    Co-authors Strenáčiková Mária, ml. (50%)
    Source document SGEM 2021 conference proceedings, Social sciences : section education and educational research. pp. 385-392. - Sofia : SGEM World Science Society (SWS Society), 2021 ; SGEM 2021 International scientific conference on social sciences
    Issue1. vyd.
    Keywords solmizácia   hudobná výchova - musical learning and teaching   sluchové vnímanie - auditory perception  
    Form. Descr.príspevky v zborníku - proceedings papers
    AnnotationIn our paper, we discuss the potential of Solfege as a means for the development of music literacy and musical abilities in pupils of primary and secondary schools. The aim of this study is to explore Solfege, to bring its brief historical introduction and to investigate its benefits in the experiment with extended music education. The main method used for obtaining the information was the document analysis, and statistical analysis of the data gained in 1997, during the 10th year of an experiment aimed at increasing the number of music lessons at selected primary and secondary schools in Slovakia. A standardized musical aptitude test by Arnold Bentley was applied to evaluate musical abilities of pupils. The data analysis showed that after the extended music education, the musical abilities improved in the experimental group, when compared to the control group. The basis of music education was among other methods: acquiring Solfege with phonogestics (hand signs), following the Hungarian school model and the model by Zoltan Kodaly, learning to play music instruments, participating in various music projects and cooperating with the primary art schools. Although the experiment aimed at extended music education has ended, the data have documented that this concept has contributed to improving musical abilities in children, and we therefore consider it inspiring to re-verify its effectiveness (including the use of Solfege and hand signs) after more than 20 years. However, for its application in the current school, it would be necessary that it reflect the requirements of the young generation; for example, to enable pupils to complete the Solfege exercises using an Internet application, or to transfer some activities to the online environment.
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    Public work category AFC - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Databasexpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ
  3. TitleVzdelávanie v čase pandémie
    Subtitlevedecká monografia
    Author infoMária Strenáčiková
    Author Strenáčiková Mária, ml.
    Issue data[Košice] : Equilibria , 2020. - 130 s. : gr., tab., 24 cm
    Issue1. vyd.
    NoteBibliografia. Bibliografické odkazy
    Keywords učiteľská profesia - profesia učiteľa - teacher career - teaching profession   vzdelávacie programy - educational programs   pandémie - pandémia - pandemy   dištančné vzdelávanie - distance education  
    Form. Descr.monografie - monographies
    CountrySlovak Republic
    systematics 37.091.12
    AnnotationResumé anglicky - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Databasexkni - BOOKS
    Copy count5, currently available 3, at library only 2
    Call numberLocationSublocationUmiestnenieInfo
    380275Univerzita Mateja BelaUniversal reading roomIn-Library Use Only
    380276Univerzita Mateja BelaReading room of educationIn-Library Use Only
    380277Univerzita Mateja BelaDepartment of absent lending
    380278Univerzita Mateja BelaDepartment of absent lending
    380279Univerzita Mateja BelaDepartment of absent lending
  4. TitlePoly-vocal singing and its intentional development in Slovak schools
    Author infoMária Strenáčiková, Dagmar Strmeňová
    Author Strenáčiková Mária, ml. (50%)
    Co-authors Strmeňová Dagmar 1976- (50%) UMBPF02 - Katedra hudobnej kultúry
    Source document 7th SWS International Scientific Conference on Arts and Humanities - ISCAH. Pp. 83-90. - Sofia : SGEM World Science Society (SWS Society), 2020 / Naghi Laura Elly ; Lončar Iris ; SWS International Scientific Conference on Arts And Humanities - ISCAH 2020 medzinárodná konferencia
    Keywords hudobná výchova - musical learning and teaching   spev - singing  
    Headings Geogr. Slovensko
    Form. Descr.články - journal articles
    AnnotationFrom ancient times, the poly-vocal singing, as one of the manifestations of music production in various forms, has been accompanying the life of the Slovak people. It has become a part of the Slovak musical culture and of the national cultural heritage as well. Despite its long tradition, it is currently slowly disappearing from daily life in our families. Therefore, it is important that we ensure the conditions for its preservation and development, by supporting a singing culture in Slovak schools. Our long-term goal is to support the development of vocal expression of school-age children, their vocal culture and feeling for harmony so that they are able to sing poly-vocally as their ancestors. In order to complete this task, music teachers working in primary and secondary schools need to be prepared in advance. In our paper, we analyze the position of poly-vocal singing in primary and secondary schools in Slovakia. We pay attention to the compulsory subject Music Education at primary schools, for which the state educational program provides a weekly subsidy of only one lesson per week (not in all grades) and the subject Art and Culture at secondary general education schools - grammar schools/gymnasiums. The basic method of obtaining information is the study of school documents. Our goal is to briefly describe the current situation, and to provide some advice for the teachers involved in the development of vocal skills among pupils and students. Based on our own experience, we want to emphasize that supporting the development of pupils? poly-vocal expression is a challenging task that requires detailed preparation and training of the music teacher and the development of his music-theoretical and music-practical professional competencies. These include building the foundation techniques, warm-up and breathing exercises, cultivating the voice of students and teachers, developing a tonal awareness, emotional approach to pupils / students, influencing the student's emotional memory thoughtfully, creating a safe creative climate in the classroom, etc. We understand that the cultivated vocal expression of the individual is the basis for the development of a poly-vocal singing. Nowadays, technological development affects the musical world very intensively and exposes everyone to indirectly reproduced music. As a result, direct individual reproduction of music falls behind, and people sing and play less than in the past. Pupils' singing is not as natural as it was a few decades ago and therefore it is necessary to cultivate music abilities that condition poly-vocal singing development systematically, and to lead the young generation for them to keep the tradition of Slovak poly-vocal singing alive. This challenging task is largely in the hands of teachers, who should be well prepared in advance.
    URLLink na plný text
    Public work category AFC
    No. of Archival Copy49218 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Databasexpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ
  5. TitleEdukačno-psychologická reflexia spôsobu života profesionálneho hudobníka
    Subtitlediplomová práca
    Author infoMária Strenáčiková; školiteľ: Vladimír Poliach
    Author Strenáčiková Mária, ml.
    Another authors Poliach Vladimír 1956- (Školiteľ (konzultant))
    Corporation Univerzita Mateja Bela . Pedagogická fakulta . Katedra psychológie , Banská Bystrica, Slovensko
    Issue dataBanská Bystrica , 2019. - 82 s.
    Keywords profesionálni hudobníci - professional musicians   kariéra - career   budovanie kariéry  
    Form. Descr.diplomové práce - master’s theses
    CountrySlovak Republic
    systematics 005.966 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Databasexk - Kvalifikačné práce
    Copy count1, currently available 0, at library only 1
  6. TitleTeoretické východiská učiteľskej praxe pre doplňujúce pedagogické štúdium učiteľov umeleckých predmetov
    Document partI. diel
    Author infoMária Strenáčiková
    Author Strenáčiková Mária, ml.
    Issue dataBanská Bystrica : Akadémia umení, Fakulta múzických umení , 2017. - 132 s., 21 cm
    Issue1. vyd
    NoteBibliografické odkazy
    Keywords učiteľská profesia - profesia učiteľa - teacher career - teaching profession   vzdelávacie programy - educational programs   umelecké školy   vysokoškolské učebnice - učebnice vysokých škôl   art schools   university textbooks  
    CountrySlovak Republic
    systematics 37.091.12
    (075.8) - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Databasexkni - BOOKS
    Copy count1, currently available 0, at library only 1
    Call numberLocationSublocationUmiestnenieInfo
    365495Univerzita Mateja BelaReading room of educationIn-Library Use Only
  7. TitleNotes on vocal works of Slovak composers of the 20th century
    Author infoMária Strenáčiková, Sr., Mária Strenáčiková, Jr.
    Author Strenáčiková Mária
    Co-authors Strenáčiková Mária, ml.
    Issue dataZlín : Nakladatelství Alisa Group , 2014. - 170 s. : fotogr., obr., 21 cm
    Issue1st ed.
    NoteBibliografia s. 164-165. Bibliografické odkazy
    Keywords dejiny hudby - hudobné dejiny - history of music   hudobní skladatelia - composers - music composers   vokálna hudba - vocal music  
    Headings Geogr. Slovensko
    CountryCzech Republic
    systematics 78.02
    78(091) - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Databasexkni - BOOKS
    Copy count1, currently available 0, at library only 1
    Call numberLocationSublocationUmiestnenieInfo
    349369Univerzita Mateja BelaReading room of educationIn-Library Use Only
  8. TitlePedagogika
    Subtitle(učebný materiál pre žiakov konzervatórií)
    Document part1a
    Author infoMária Strenáčiková
    Author Strenáčiková Mária, ml.
    Issue dataZlín : Nakladatelství Alisa Group , 2014. - 95 s., 21 cm
    Issue[1. vyd.]
    NoteBibliografia s. 91-94
    Keywords pedagogika - pedagogické vedy - educational science - pedagogy - pedagogics   konzervatóriá - conservatories of music - music conservatories   učebnice - textbooks  
    CountryCzech Republic
    systematics 37
    37.01 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Databasexkni - BOOKS
    Copy count1, currently available 0, at library only 1
    Call numberLocationSublocationUmiestnenieInfo
    349371Univerzita Mateja BelaReading room of educationIn-Library Use Only
  9. TitlePedagogika
    Subtitle(učebný materiál pre žiakov konzervatórií)
    Document part1b
    Author infoMária Strenáčiková
    Author Strenáčiková Mária, ml.
    Issue dataZlín : Nakladatelství Alisa Group , 2014. - 120 s. : tab., 21 cm
    Issue[1. vyd.]
    NoteBibliografia s. 112-119
    Keywords pedagogika - pedagogické vedy - educational science - pedagogy - pedagogics   konzervatóriá - conservatories of music - music conservatories   učebnice - textbooks  
    CountryCzech Republic
    systematics 37
    37.01 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Databasexkni - BOOKS
    Copy count1, currently available 0, at library only 1
    Call numberLocationSublocationUmiestnenieInfo
    349372Univerzita Mateja BelaReading room of educationIn-Library Use Only
  10. TitleDejiny hudobnej kultúry na Slovensku
    Subtitle(študijný materiál)
    Document part1. Starovek - stredovek - renesancia
    Author infoMária Strenáčiková, st., Mária Strenáčiková, ml.
    Author Strenáčiková Mária
    Co-authors Strenáčiková Mária, ml.
    Issue dataZlín : Nakladatelství Alisa Group , 2014. - 91 s. : obr., 21 cm
    Issue[1. vyd.]
    NoteBibliografia s. 88-90
    Cover TitleHudobná kultúra na Slovensku
    Keywords dejiny hudby - hudobné dejiny - history of music   hudobná kultúra - music culture - musical culture   renesančná hudba - renaissance music   učebné texty - educational texts   stredoveká hudba - medieval music   učebnice - textbooks  
    Headings Geogr. Slovensko
    CountryCzech Republic
    systematics 78
    78(091) - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Databasexkni - BOOKS
    Copy count1, currently available 0, at library only 1
    Call numberLocationSublocationUmiestnenieInfo
    349367Univerzita Mateja BelaReading room of educationIn-Library Use Only

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