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  1. TitleInfluence of an exercise programme on level of coordination in children aged 5 to 6
    Author infoIvan Čillík, Tomáš Willwéber
    Author Čillík Ivan 1958- (90%) UMBFF09 - Katedra telesnej výchovy a športu
    Co-authors Willwéber Tomáš 1989- (10%)
    Source document Physical education in early childhood education and care researches - best practices - situation. Pp. 101-108. - Bratislava : Slovak Scientific Society for Physical Education and Sport and FIEP, 2019 / Šmela Pavel ; Argajová Jaroslava ; Seman František ; Pačesová Petra ; Bendíková Elena 1975- ; Ružbarská Ingrid ; Hürmeriç Altunsoz Irmak ; Sevimli Celik Serap ; Balint Gheorghe ; Scheuer Claude
    Keywords athletics   preschool age   koordinačné schopnosti - coordination abilities - coordination skills  
    Form. Descr.príspevky v zborníku - proceedings papers
    CountrySlovak Republic
    AnnotationThe paper presents changes in the level of coordination in children aged 5 – 6, as a result of an exercise programme within the frame of the IAAF Kids Athletics project. The monitoring period lasted for 6 months, during which the members of the experimental group went through 41 training sessions. The group consisted of 18 children aged 5.69 ±0.39 years at the beginning of the research and 6.19±0.39 years at the end of the research. Measured indicators of physical development were height, weight and BMI. Tests used to determine the level of coordination were: vertical jump with rotation, precision standing long jump, precision kneeling overhead throw, lateral line jumps with the aid of a metronome, run to targets, reaction speed of lower extremities, static balance. The group showed in the indicatiors of physical development (body height and body weight) statictically significant changes (p < 0.05). In BMI was recorded decline in the index. We have found out a positive influence of versatile training on body coordination, spatial orientation ability, reaction and balance ability. Small effect was recorded on the kinaesthetic differentiation ability of upper extremities. In the kinaesthetic differentiation ability of lower extremities and rhythmic ability was not recorded any positive influence of the applied motion programme. Regular physical activity of a versatile focus showed positive changes in overall coordination
    Public work category AEC
    No. of Archival Copy48449 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Databasexpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ


  2. TitlePhysical education in early childhood education and care researches - best practices - situation
    Author inforec. Pavel Šmela, Jaroslava Argajová ... [et al.]
    Another authors Šmela Pavel (Recenzent)
    Argajová Jaroslava (Recenzent)
    Seman František (Recenzent)
    Pačesová Petra (Recenzent)
    Bendíková Elena 1975- (Recenzent)
    Ružbarská Ingrid (Recenzent)
    Hürmeriç Altunsoz Irmak (Recenzent)
    Sevimli Celik Serap (Recenzent)
    Balint Gheorghe (Recenzent)
    Scheuer Claude (Recenzent)
    Issue dataBratislava : Slovak Scientific Society for Physical Education and Sport and FIEP , 2019. - 464 p. s.
    Issue1. vyd.
    Form. Descr.zborníky - miscellanea
    CountrySlovak Republic
    Public work category FAI - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Databasexpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ
    References (1) - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ
  3. TitleRozdiely v motivácii k výkonu paralympijských športovcov a zdravých výkonnostných športovcov
    Author infoStanislav Kraček, Petra Pačesová ... [et al.]
    Author Kraček Stanislav (20%)
    Co-authors Pačesová Petra (20%)
    Šmela Pavel (20%)
    Krč Henrich 1991- (20%) UMBFF09 - Katedra telesnej výchovy a športu
    Kosáková Alexandra (20%)
    Action Od výskumu k praxi . medzinárodná vedecká konferencia o športe , 21. , Bratislava , 29.-30.11.2018
    Source document Od výskumu k praxi : 21. ročník medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie o športe, Bratislava, 29. - 30. 11. 2018 : zborník z medzinárodnej konferencie o športe konferencie. S. 46-53. - Bratislava : Slovenská technická univerzita v Bratislave, 2018 / Čillík Ivan 1958- ; Zemková Erika ; Korček Vladimír ; Cepková Alena ; Od výskumu k praxi medzinárodná vedecká konferencia o športe
    Keywords športové výkony - sports performance   motivácia - motivation   paralympionici   športovci - sportsmen   úzkosť - anxieta - anxiozita - anxiety  
    Form. Descr.príspevky v zborníku - proceedings papers
    CountrySlovak Republic
    Public work category AFD
    No. of Archival Copy49425 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Databasexpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ
    document on cd/dvd

    document on cd/dvd

  4. TitleVariability in stability parameter in balance dynamic position at 15-17 age boys participant in 10-week horse-riding
    Author infoAnna Mazur-Rylska ... [et al.]
    Author Mazur-Rylska Anna (25%)
    Co-authors Ambroży Tadeusz (25%)
    Ambroży Dorota (25%)
    Znamirowski Michał (25%)
    Source document Healthy active life style and physical education. S. 163-171. - Topoľčianky : END, 2011 / Sedláček Jaromír ; Nemček Dagmar ; Dančíková Veronika ; Pačesová Petra
    Keywords šport - sports   jazdenie na koni   chlapci - boys  
    Form. Descr.príspevky v zborníku - proceedings papers
    CountrySlovak Republic
    Public work category AEC
    No. of Archival CopyE4378 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Databasexpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ
  5. NázovHealthy active life style and physical education
    Aut.údajerec. Jaromír Sedláček, Dagmar Nemček ... [et al.]
    Ďalší autori Sedláček Jaromír (Recenzent)
    Nemček Dagmar (Recenzent)
    Dančíková Veronika (Recenzent)
    Pačesová Petra (Recenzent)
    Vyd.údajeTopoľčianky : END , 2011. - 274 s.
    Kľúč.slová zdravie - health   životný štýl - life style - lifestyle - style of life   telesná výchova - telovýchova - physical education   zborníky prác   miscellanea  
    Form.deskr.zborníky - miscellanea
    Jazyk dok.angličtina
    KrajinaSlovenská republika
    Kategória publikačnej činnosti FAI - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Báza dátxpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ

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