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  1. TitleHistorical retrospective of the development of scientific approaches to health-saving activity in society
    Author infoMaryna Diachenko-Bohun, Nataliia Hrytsai ... [et al.]
    Author Diachenko-Bohun Maryna (12%)
    Co-authors Hrytsai Nataliia (11%)
    Grynova Maryna (11%)
    Grygus Igor (11%)
    Skaliy Aleksander (11%)
    Hagner-Derengowska Magdalena (11%)
    Napierala Marek (11%)
    Muszkieta Radosław (11%)
    Zukow Walery (11%)
    Source document International journal of applied exercise physiology : IJAEP. Vol. 9, no. 1 (2020), pp. 31-38. - Mázandarán : Asian exercise and sport science journal, 2020
    Keywords zdravie - health   aktivity - activities   ochrana zdravia - health protection  
    Form. Descr.články - journal articles
    URLLink na plný text
    Public work category ADM
    No. of Archival CopyE5189
    Repercussion categoryNESTERCHUK, Nataliia - RABCHENIUK, Serhii - KURIATA, Alina - BOREIKO, Halyna - SKALSKI, Dariusz. Application of fitness technologies to increase motor activity and physical fitness of adolescents. In Journal of physical education and sport. ISSN 2247-8051, 2021, vol. 21, art. no. 389, pp. 2927-2933.
    NESTERCHUK, Nataliia - SYDORUK, Inna - TRYFONYUK, Liliya - ZDANYUK, Vadym - PRUSIK, Krzysztof. Modern approaches to ergotherapy of children with the down syndrome. In Journal of physical education and sport. ISSN 2247-8051, 2021, vol. 21, art. no. 396, pp. 2981-2986.
    KASHUBA, Vitalii - KHMELNITSKA, Irene - ANDRIEIEVA, Olena - RUDENKO, Julia - KRUPENYA, Svitlana - PETROVYCH, Viktoriia - NOSOVA, Natalia - KHABINETS, Tamara. Effect of health fitness on the state of posture's biogeometric profile and physical preparedness of 36-45-year-old men. In Journal of physical education and sport. ISSN 2247-8051, 2021, vol. 21, suppl. no. 5, pp. 2850-2856.
    MIRSKA, I. - KREFT, P. - SKALSKI, D. W. - RYBAK, O. - KOWALSKI, D. - DYACHUK, V. Aktywność fizyczna jako istotny element profilaktyki i leczenia zespołu metabolicznego. In Rehabilitation and recreation [online]. 2023, no. 14, s. 164-169 [cit. 2023-06-19]. ISSN 2522-1795. Dostupné na:
    CZARNECKI, D. - SKALSKI, D. W. - RYBAK, L. - KINDZER, B. - GRACZYK, M. - OREL, I. Systematyczna aktywność ruchowa w promocji zdrowia i profilaktyce chorób. In Rehabilitation and recreation. ISSN 2786-8346, 2022, no. 13, pp. 107-114.
    CZARNECKI, D. - SKALSKI, D. W. - JABŁOŃSKA-MAZUREK, D. - GRACZYK, M. - KINDZER, Bogdan - GAMMA, T. Uwarunkowania aktywnośći fizycznej. In Rehabilitation and recreation [online]. 2023, no. 14, s. 252-257 [cit. 2023-06-19]. ISSN 2522-1795. Dostupné na:
    SKALSKI, D. W. - KOWALSKI, D. - CZARNECKI, D. - GRACZYK, M. - OREL, I. - STARIKOV, V. Szanse i zagrożenia w odbiorze mediów przez dzieci. In Rehabilitation and recreation. ISSN 2786-8346, 2023, no. 14, s. 170-178.
    KREFT, P. - SKALSKI, D. W. - MIRSKA, I. - KOWALSKI, D. - TSYCHANOWSKA, N. - ZARICHAŃSKA, L. O. Aquaaerobik jako istotny determinant aktywności fizycznej wśród kobiet. In Rehabilitation and recreation. ISSN 2786-8346, 2023, no. 15, pp. 143-147.
    HODLEVSKIY, P. M. - ZUBRYTSKYI, B. D. - SPRYN, O. B. Development of special physical qualities of football players. In Rehabilitation and recreation. ISSN 2786-8346, 2024, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 218-226. - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Databasexpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ
    ReferencesPERIODIKÁ-Súborný záznam periodika
  2. TitleThe impact of yoga practice on the development of flexibility among the female student's pedagogical specialities in the process of physical training of higher educational institutions
    Author infoIryna Sereda, Halyna Lavrin ... [et al.]
    Author Sereda Iryna (10%)
    Co-authors Lavrin Halyna (9%)
    Kucher Tetiana (9%)
    Grygus Igor (9%)
    Muszkieta Radosław (9%)
    Napierała Marek (9%)
    Hagner-Derengowska Magdalena (9%)
    Ostrowska Małgorzata (9%)
    Smoleńska Olga (9%)
    Zukow Walery (9%)
    Skaliy Aleksander (9%)
    Source document International journal of applied exercise physiology : IJAEP. Vol. 9, no. 1 (2020), pp. 85-95. - Mázandarán : Asian exercise and sport science journal, 2020
    Keywords fitness   flexibilita - flexibility   yoga exercises   physical conditions   physical training   vzdelávacie inštitúcie - educational institutions  
    Form. Descr.články - journal articles
    URLLink na plný text
    Public work category ADM
    No. of Archival CopyE5188
    Repercussion category TANG, Hongbing - GUAN, Luohong. Dance sports influence female university students' physical health in ethnic universities. In Revista brasileira de medicina do esporte. ISSN 1517-8692, 2023, vol. 29, special no. 1, pp. 1-4. - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Databasexpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ
    ReferencesPERIODIKÁ-Súborný záznam periodika
  3. TitleImplementation of electronic health control technologies in higher education institutions
    Author infoSerhii Novopysmennyi, Maryna Diachenko-Bohun ... [et al.]
    Author Novopysmennyi Serhii (12%)
    Co-authors Diachenko-Bohun Maryna (8%)
    Hrytsai Nataliia (8%)
    Grygus Igor (8%)
    Muszkieta Radosław (8%)
    Napierała Marek (8%)
    Hagner-Derengowska Magdalena (8%)
    Ostrowska Małgorzata (8%)
    Smoleńska Olga (8%)
    Skaliy Aleksander (8%)
    Zukow Walery (8%)
    Stankiewicz Błażej (8%)
    Source document Journal of Physical Education and Sport. Vol. 20, suppl. no. 2 (2020), pp. 921-928. - Piteşti : Editura Universităţii din Piteşti, 2020
    Keywords zdravie - health   educational tools   pedagogická prax - practice teaching - teaching practice - pedagogical practice  
    Form. Descr.články - journal articles
    URL Link na plný text
    Public work category ADM
    No. of Archival CopyE5180
    Repercussion category HREHOROWICZ, Arleta. Sports in college - opinions of generation z about physical education during the Covid-19 pandemic. In Journal of physical education and sport. ISSN 2247-8051, 2021, vol. 21, art. no. 137, pp. 1091-1097.
    KONONETS, Nataliia - GRYNOVA, Maryna - ZHAMARDIY, Valeriy - MAMON, Oleksandr - LIULKA, Hanna. Problems of implementation of the system of resource-based learning of future teachers of physical culture. In International journal of applied exercise physiology. ISSN 2322-3537, 2020, vol. 9, no. 12, pp. 50-60.
    KONONETS, Nataliia - ILCHENKO, Olena - ZHAMARDIY, Valeriy - SHKOLA, Olena - BROSLAVSKA, Halyna - KOLHAN, Olena - PADALKA, Ruslana - KOLGAN, Tetyana. Software tools for creating electronic educational resources in the resource-based learning process. In Journal for educators teachers and trainers. ISSN 1989-9572, 2021, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 165-175.
    BANAKH, Volodymyr - IEDYNAK, Gennadii. Status and some prospects of the organization of physical education in higher education institutions. In Pedagogy and psychology of sport [online]. 2021, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 114-121 [cit. 2023-05-25]. ISSN 2450-6605. Dostupné na:
    HRYNOVETS, Volodymyr - MAHLOVANYY, Anatoliy - HRYNOVETS, Igor - BUCHKOVSKA, Anna - KUNYNETS, Olha - NOVYTSKYY, Olexandr. Human health and factors that affect the body as a whole. In Rehabilitation and recreation [online]. 2020, no. 6, pp. 89-94 [cit. 2023-05-25]. ISSN 2522-1795. Dostupné na:
    SKALSKI, D. W. - KOWALSKI, D. - CZARNECKI, D. - GRACZYK, M. - OREL, I. - STARIKOV, V. Szanse i zagrożenia w odbiorze mediów przez dzieci. In Rehabilitation and recreation. ISSN 2786-8346, 2023, no. 14, s. 170-178.
    LADYNIAK, A. - CHUBINSKA, N. B. - CHERVINSKA, O. S. Control of the rehabilitation process of higher education students with disabilities due to brain injuries by computer engineering tools. In Rehabilitation and recreation. ISSN 2786-8346, 2024, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 18-28. - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Databasexpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ
    ReferencesPERIODIKÁ-Súborný záznam periodika
  4. TitleIntegrated processes as an effective means of formation of legal knowledge
    Author infoViktoriia Hryshko, Inna Mishchuk ... [et al.]
    Author Hryshko Viktoriia (20%)
    Co-authors Mishchuk Inna (20%)
    Tsymbaliuk Valeriy (20%)
    Grygus Igor (20%)
    Skaliy Aleksander (20%)
    Source document Journal of Physical Education and Sport. Vol. 20, suppl. no. 2 (2020), pp. 952-957. - Piteşti : Editura Universităţii din Piteşti, 2020
    Keywords learning process   kurikulum - curriculum   integrácia - integration  
    Form. Descr.články - journal articles
    URL Link na plný text
    Public work category ADM
    No. of Archival CopyE5181
    Repercussion category KREFT, P. - SKALSKI, D. W. - MIRSKA, I. - KOWALSKI, D. - TSYCHANOWSKA, N. - ZARICHAŃSKA, L. O. Aquaaerobik jako istotny determinant aktywności fizycznej wśród kobiet. In Rehabilitation and recreation. ISSN 2786-8346, 2023, no. 15, pp. 143-147. - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Databasexpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ
    ReferencesPERIODIKÁ-Súborný záznam periodika
  5. TitleCreation of a healthcare environment at a higher educational institution
    Author infoOlena Momot, Maryna Diachenko-Behun ... [et al.]
    Author Momot Olena (10%)
    Co-authors Diachenko-Bohun Maryna (9%)
    Hrytsai Nataliia (9%)
    Grygus Igor (9%)
    Stankiewicz Błażej (9%)
    Skaliy Aleksander (9%)
    Hagner-Derengowska Magdalena (9%)
    Napierała Marek (9%)
    Muszkieta Radosław (9%)
    Ostrowska Małgorzata (9%)
    Zukow Walery (9%)
    Source document Journal of Physical Education and Sport. Vol. 20, suppl. no. 2 (2020), pp. 975-981. - Piteşti : Editura Universităţii din Piteşti, 2020
    Keywords healthcare   budúci učitelia - future teachers   telesný rozvoj - physical development  
    Form. Descr.články - journal articles
    URL Link na plný text
    Public work category ADM
    No. of Archival CopyE5182
    Repercussion category HREHOROWICZ, Arleta. Sports in college - opinions of generation z about physical education during the Covid-19 pandemic. In Journal of physical education and sport. ISSN 2247-8051, 2021, vol. 21, art. no. 137, pp. 1091-1097.
    KHOROSHUKHA, Mykhailo - IVASHCHENKO, Sergii - PRYSIAZHNIUK, Stanislav - OLENIEV, Dmytro - BILETSKA, Victoriia - TYMCHYK, Olesia - HARASHCHENKO, Larysa. Features of the integral (somatic, mental, spiritual) health of students (a case based on students from Kyiv universities). In Journal of physical education and sport. ISSN 2247-8051, 2021, vol. 21, art. no. 398, pp. 2993-3000.
    KOLOKOLTSEV, Mikhail - AMBARTSUMYAN, Rima - ROMANOVA, Elena - VOROZHEIKIN, Anton - TORCHINSKY, Nikolay - DUDCHENKO, Pavel - TARASOV, Andrei. Physical activity characteristics of female students with various diseases. In Journal of physical education and sport. ISSN 2247-8051, 2022, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 455-461.
    DOLGIER, Evdokiya - FIDIRKO, Marina - MOROZ, Igor - SMOLIAKOVA, Iryna. Study of the physical state of the students from middle east countries. In Science and education [online]. 2020, no. 1, pp. 75-81 [cit. 2023-05-25]. ISSN 2414-4665. Dostupné na:
    BOCHARIN, Ivan - GURYANOV, Maxim - ROMANOVA, Elena - POZDEEVA, Anna - KOLOKOLTSEV, Mikhail - VOROZHEIKIN, Anton - MALKIN, Andrei - POBORONCHUK, Tatiayna - LOBASTOVA, Raisa - KOVALEV, Alexander. Instrumental control of functional indicators in students with health deviation. In Journal of physical education and sport. ISSN 2247-8051, 2023, vol. 23, no. 5, pp. 1096-1102.
    KOLOKOLTSEV, Mikhail - ROMANOVA, Elena - MARTIROSOVA, Tatiana - LIMARENKO, Olga - VOROZHEIKIN, Anton - KISPAYEV, Tokhtar. Physical fitness and life quality of female students with different classes of diseases. In Journal of physical education and sport. ISSN 2247-8051, 2023, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 128-133.
    MIRSKA, I. - KREFT, P. - SKALSKI, D. W. - RYBAK, O. - KOWALSKI, D. - DYACHUK, V. Aktywność fizyczna jako istotny element profilaktyki i leczenia zespołu metabolicznego. In Rehabilitation and recreation [online]. 2023, no. 14, s. 164-169 [cit. 2023-06-19]. ISSN 2522-1795. Dostupné na:
    CZARNECKI, D. - SKALSKI, D. W. - RYBAK, L. - KINDZER, B. - GRACZYK, M. - OREL, I. Systematyczna aktywność ruchowa w promocji zdrowia i profilaktyce chorób. In Rehabilitation and recreation. ISSN 2786-8346, 2022, no. 13, pp. 107-114.
    CZARNECKI, D. - SKALSKI, D. W. - JABŁOŃSKA-MAZUREK, D. - GRACZYK, M. - KINDZER, Bogdan - GAMMA, T. Uwarunkowania aktywnośći fizycznej. In Rehabilitation and recreation [online]. 2023, no. 14, s. 252-257 [cit. 2023-06-19]. ISSN 2522-1795. Dostupné na:
    BOCHARIN, Ivan - GURYANOV, Maxim - ROMANOVA, Elena - SULDIN, Pavel - KOLOKOLTSEV, Mikhail - BAYANKIN, Oleg - LOZOVAYA, Marina - TYUPA, Pavel - AGANOV, Sergey - PRONIN, Evgeny. Physical development and functional state of the neuromuscular apparatus of students of different health groups. In Journal of physical education and sport. ISSN 2247-8051, 2023, vol. 23, no. 7, pp. 1583-1589.
    MARTUSEVICH, Andrew - BOCHARIN, Ivan - GURYANOV, Maxim - ROMANOVA, Elena - KOLOKOLTSEV, Mikhail - VYAZOVICHENKO, Yurii - LOBASTOVA, Raisa - SMIRNOV, Sergey - BALASHKEVICH, Natalya - REDI, Elena. Metabolic monitoring to assess the response of the body to physical loads. In Journal of physical education and sport. ISSN 2247-8051, 2023, vol. 23, no. 6, pp. 1401-1406.
    GURYANOV, Maxim - BOCHARIN, Ivan - ROMANOVA, Elena - POZDEEVA, Anna - KOLOKOLTSEV, Mikhail - LIMARENKO, Olga - BALASHKEVICH, Natalya - FALEEVA, Elena - TYUPA, Pavel - AGANOV, Sergey. Blood micro-circulation state as a marker of the human body reserve capabilities to perform physical activity. In Journal of physical education and sport. ISSN 2247-8051, 2023, vol. 23, no. 5, pp. 1086-1091.
    MIRSKA, I. - KREFT, P. - RYBAK, O. - SKALSKI, D. - SVYSHCH, L. - GAMMA, T. Dzieci z cukrzycą typu 1, a lekcje wychowania fizycznego w placówkach oświatowych. In Rehabilitation and recreation. ISSN 2786-8354, 2023, no. 15, pp. 213-218.
    KOLOKOLTSEV, Mikhail - AMBARTSUMYAN, Rima - KRAYNIK, Viktor - VOROZHEIKIN, Anton - STARSHOVA, Natalia - MANSUROVA, Natalya - GURYANOV, Maxim - SMIRNOV, Vladimir - TYUPA, Pavel - MOROZOVA, Olga - METALNIKOV, Anton. The efficacy of Nordic walking in enhancing the physical health of female students with chronic diseases. In Journal of physical education and sport. ISSN 2247-8051, 2024, vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 630-637.
    HODLEVSKIY, P. M. - ZUBRYTSKYI, B. D. - SPRYN, O. B. Development of special physical qualities of football players. In Rehabilitation and recreation. ISSN 2786-8346, 2024, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 218-226.
    MISCHENKO, Natal'ya - ROMANOVA, Elena - VOROZHEIKIN, Anton - BOCHARIN, Ivan - BOLOTIN, Alexander - SMIRNOV, Sergey - CHARKIN, Sergey - TYUPA, Pavel - KOKHAN, Sergey - BALASHKEVICH, Natalya. Enhancing football training methodology in the macrocycle for 9-10-year-old boys. In Journal of physical education and sport. ISSN 2247-8051, 2024, vol. 24, no. 7, pp. 1602-1609. - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Databasexpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ
    ReferencesPERIODIKÁ-Súborný záznam periodika
  6. TitleImproving the physical health of students with physical exercises proposed by type of autonomic nervous system
    Author infoKrzysztof Prusik, Katarzyna Prusik, Igor Grygus
    Author Prusik Krzysztof (40%)
    Co-authors Prusik Katarzyna (30%)
    Grygus Igor (30%)
    Source documentJournal of Health Sciences. Vol. 3, no. 5 (2013), s. 657-670. - Radom : Radomska Szkoła Wyższa w Radomiu, 2013
    Keywords telesná výchova a šport - physical education and sport   tréningové procesy - training processes  
    systematics 796
    Public work category ADF - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Databasexpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ

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