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Your query: Author Sysno = "^umb_un_auth 0209464^"
  1. TitleComparison of in-house HPC calculation with public cloud computing for parallel algorithm containing recursive functions
    Author infoEduard Vesel, Jarmila Škrinárová, Adam Dudáš
    Author Vesel Eduard (40%)
    Co-authors Škrinárová Jarmila 1962- (40%) UMBFP05 - Katedra informatiky
    Dudáš Adam 1992- (20%)
    Source document ICETA 2019 : 17th IEEE international conference on emerging eLearning technologies and applications, 21.-22.11.2019, Starý Smokovec. S. 805-809. - New Jersey : IEEE, 2019 ; IEEE international conference on emerging eLearning technologies and applications
    Keywords vysokovýkonné počítanie   HPC   virtuálne stroje - virtual machines   paralelné algoritmy - parallel algorithms   informatika - informatics  
    Form. Descr.príspevky v zborníku - proceedings papers
    CountryUnited States of America
    Annotation© 2019 IEEE. This work focuses on possibilities of practical using public cloud in comparison with high-performance cluster for difficult calculations. A task dealing with problem of coloring the edges of a large set of cubic graphs and examining relations between these graphs was used as a criterion. In general, we dealt with couple of modifications and levels of difficulty of a given task. Assessing the convenience of usage nowadays, not only computer resources, is significant factor and phenomenon an environmental friendliness. In the world of informational technology and in the field of high-performance computing, is established the idea of green computing. Algorithms for effective usage of available computing resources are used to reach the aim within the high-performance computing that is hidden under the green computing. In the connection with service providers of public cloud computing is solving of securing datacenter power from renewable sources an added factor.
    Public work category AFD
    No. of Archival Copy47181 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Databasexpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ


  2. TitleOptimization design for parallel coloring of a set of graphs in the High-Performance Computing
    Author infoAdam Dudáš, Jarmila Škrinárová, Eduard Vesel
    Author Dudáš Adam 1992- (40%)
    Co-authors Škrinárová Jarmila 1962- (40%) UMBFP05 - Katedra informatiky
    Vesel Eduard (20%)
    Source document IEEE 15th International Scientific Conference on Informatics : informatics 2019 : proceedings, 20.-22.11.2019, Poprad. Pp. 93-99. - New York : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2019 ; IEEE International Scientific Conference on Informatics Informatics 2019
    Keywords paralelné počítanie - paralelné výpočty - parallel computing   kubické grafy - cubic charts   vysokovýkonné počítanie   HPC   algoritmy - algorithms   informatika - informatics  
    Form. Descr.príspevky v zborníku - proceedings papers
    CountryUnited States of America
    Annotation© 2019 IEEE. This paper presents solution to problem of edge coloring of sizable set of cubic graphs and examination of relations between these graphs. We solved this problem on various computing systems and for various sizes of the problem (various number of graphs). For the computations we used High-Performance Computing Cluster and Amazon Web Services cloud environment. We measured and analyzed time of computation of edge coloring and other properties. Largest set we worked with contained almost 10 million graphs. We created new methodology, which can be used to finding order of the edges which optimizes time of computation of edge coloring for certain subset of graphs. On the basis of this methodology, we implemented algorithm for parallel edge coloring of set of graphs. For testing of the methodology, we designed 8 experiments. Results showed, that worst time of edge coloring of graph from set of 19 935 graphs before use of the methodology was 1260 ms. After application of our methodology, we found same order of edge coloring for whole group of 19 935 graphs and the highest time of coloring was 10 ms.
    Public work category AFD
    No. of Archival Copy47125
    Repercussion category CAILLOUET, Christelle - HEUSSE, Martin - ROUSSEAU, Franck. Optimal SF allocation in LoRaWAN considering physical capture and imperfect orthogonality. In EEE Global communications conference (GLOBECOM), Waikoloa, 09th-13th December 2019. New York : IEEE - Institute of electrical and electronics engineers, 2019. ISBN 978-1-7281-0962-6, pp. [1-8].
    CERESNAK, Roman - KVET, Michal - MATIASKO, Karol. Improved method of selecting data in a nonrelational database. In 2021 international conference on information and digital technologies, IDT 2021, Žilina, 22th-24th June 2021. New Jersey : Institute of electrical and electronics engineers, 2021. ISBN 978-166543692-2, pp. 59-64.
    KVET, Michal - ČEREŠŇÁK, Roman - ŠALGOVÁ, Veronika. Use of machine learning for the unknown values in database transformation processes. In 2021 Communication and information technologies conference proceedings, KIT 2021 : 11th international scientific conference, Vysoké Tatry, 13th-15th October 2021. New York : IEEE - Institute of electrical and electronics engineers, 2021. ISBN 978-1-6654-2879-8, pp. [1-7].
    KVET, Michal. Covering undefined and untrusted values by the database index. In 10th world conference on information systems and technologies, WorldCIST 2022, Budva, 12th-14th April 2022. Berlin : Springer, 2022. ISBN 978-303104828-9, pp. 473-483.
    KVET, Michal - MAJERCIAKOVA, Linda - GIBHARDT, Antoine - MILJKOVIC, Luka - BOUHTOUT, Wassim. Performance analysis of the database of telecommunications. In 31st conference of open innovations association, FRUCT 2022, virtual, 27th-29th April 2022. Helsinki : IEEE - Institute of electrical and electronics engineers, 2022. ISBN 978-952692447-2, pp. 145-152.
    KVET, Michal. Identifying, managing, and accessing undefined tuple states in relational databases. In Proceedings of international conference on smart systems and technologies, SST 2022, Osijek, 19th-21st October. Piscataway : Institute of electrical and electronics engineers, 2022. ISBN 978-166548215-8, pp. 165-172.
    KVET, Michal. Impact of disc types on database performance. In 16th international scientific conference on informatics : Informatics 2022, Poprad, 23th-25th November 2022. Piscataway : Institute of electrical and electronics engineers, 2022. ISBN 979-8-3503-1034-4, pp. 188-195.
    KVET, Michal. Relation between the temporal database environment and disc block size. In 16th international scientific conference on informatics : Informatics 2022, Poprad, 23th-25th November 2022. Piscataway : Institute of electrical and electronics engineers, 2022. ISBN 979-8-3503-1034-4, pp. 196-202.
    KVET, Michal. Identifying and treating NULL values in the Oracle Database performance case study. In 33rd Conference of Open innovations association : FRUCT 2023, Žilina, 24.05.-26.05.2023. Piscataway : Institute of electrical and electronics engineers computer society, 2023. ISBN 978-952692449-6, pp. 161-168.
    KVET, Michal. Using boolean data type in Oracle database performance study. In International conference on information and digital technologies 2023 : IDT 2023, Žilina, 20th June 2023. Piscataway : Institute of electrical and electronics engineers, 2023. ISBN 979-835030586-9, pp. 179-186. - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Databasexpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ


  3. TitleModel of education and training strategy for the management of HPC systems
    Par.titleModel vzdelávacej stratégie pre riadenie HPC systémov
    Author infoJarmila Škrinárová, Adam Dudáš ... [et al.]
    Author Škrinárová Jarmila 1962- (40%) UMBFP05 - Katedra informatiky
    Co-authors Dudáš Adam 1992- (40%)
    Vesel Eduard (20%)
    Source document Informatics 2017 : proceedings, 2017 IEEE 14th international scientific conference on informatics, November 14-16, 2017, Poprad. Pp. 400-405. - New York : Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, 2017 ; Informatics 2017 medzinárodná vedecká konferencia
    Keywords high performance computing   management of HPC   strategic research agenda for HPC  
    CountryUnited States of America
    systematics 004
    Annotation© 2017 IEEE. The paper is motivated by critical demand of scientists with abilities and skills in areas of mathematical modeling, simulations, big data techniques, using, administrating and management of HPC systems. We designed and realized a new model of course named 'HPC system management'. Its novelty lies in the content of the course, the methodology of teaching and in expected outcomes. The focus is put on job scheduling in HPC systems and management of such systems. Job scheduling is NP-complete problem. Finding a solution of a particular instance of this problem requires scientific approach. This is the reason why we choose the methodology of teaching in style of scientific project. Students created autonomous software tools and implementation of HPC system management model. The model was evaluated on the base of simulation process and last job completion time Cmax criterion
    Public work category AFD
    No. of Archival Copy41418
    Repercussion category MELICHERČÍK, M. - SILÁDI, V. - SVÍTEK, M. - HURAJ, L. Spreading high performance computing skills with e-learning support. In 16th IEEE international conference on emerging elearning technologies and applications, ICETA 2018, Starý Smokovec, The High Tatras, 15th-16th November 2018. New Jersey : Institute of electrical and electronics engineers, 2018. ISBN 978-153867914-2, pp. 361-366.
    MWASAGA, Nkundwe Moses - JOY, Mike. Using high-performance computing artifacts as a learning intervention : a systematic literature review. In 2nd international conference on intelligent and innovative computing applications, ICONIC 2020, Holiday InnPlaine Magnien, Mauritius, 24th - 25th September 2020. New York : Association for computing machinery, 2020. ISBN 978-145037558-0. - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Databasexpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ


  4. TitleTeaching effectiveness of high-performance computing using an online course
    Author infoEduard Vesel, Jarmila Škrinárová
    Author Vesel Eduard (90%)
    Co-authors Škrinárová Jarmila 1962- (10%) UMBFP05 - Katedra informatiky
    Source documentInternational education and research journal. Vol. 2, no. 7 (2016), pp. 96-97. - Ahmedabad, Gujarat : Adhiyamaan college of engineering, 2016
    Keywords high performance computing   metodológia - methodology   elektronické vzdelávanie - e-learningové vzdelávanie - e-learning - electronic education   vysokovýkonné počítanie  
    systematics 02
    Public work category ADE
    No. of Archival Copy37541
    Repercussion categorySILÁDI, Vladimír - ASTALOŠ, Ján. Teaching grid technologies and grid computing to undergraduate students of computer science. In DidInfo & DidactIG 2017 : spojená medzinárodná konferencia : DidInfo - 23. ročník konferencie a DidactIG - 5. ročník konferencie, 5.-7. apríl 2017 v Banskej Bystrici [CD-ROM]. Banská Bystrica : Univerzita Mateja Bela, 2017. ISBN 978-80-557-1216-1, s. 195-196.
    MELICHERČÍK, Miroslav - HURAJ, Ladislav - PITOŇÁK, Michal - SILÁDI, Vladimír - NEOGRÁDY, Pavel. Analysis of education requirements for future high performance computing users. In ANS 2017 : conference proceedings of the 6th biennial international scientific conference, Jasná, 27th-29th September 2017. Trnava : University of SS. Cyril and Methodius, 2017. ISBN 978-80-8105-548-5, pp. 80-84. - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Databasexpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ


  5. TitleModel of education and training strategy for the high performance computing
    Author infoJarmila Škrinárová, Eduard Vesel
    Author Škrinárová Jarmila 1962- (60%) UMBFP05 - Katedra informatiky
    Co-authors Vesel Eduard (40%)
    Source document ICETA 2016 : 14th IEEE international conference on emerging eLearning technologies and applications, November 24-26, 2016, Starý Smokovec, Slovakia. CD-ROM, s. 315-320. - [s. l.] : IEEE, 2016 ; ICETA 2016 medzinárodná konferencia
    Keywords celoživotné vzdelávanie - lifelong learning   stratégie - strategies   vysokovýkonné počítanie   academic education   high performance computing  
    CountrySlovak Republic
    systematics 621.391
    Public work category AFD
    No. of Archival Copy38148
    Repercussion categoryVINITHA, S. - KESAVARAJ, G. Cloud assisted e-learning framework with primacy and security ensured data verification services. In International journal on engineering technology and sciences. ISSN 2349-3968, 2017, vol. 4, no. 8, pp. 1-36.
    SILÁDI, Vladimír - ASTALOŠ, Ján. Teaching grid technologies and grid computing to undergraduate students of computer science. In DidInfo & DidactIG 2017 : spojená medzinárodná konferencia : DidInfo - 23. ročník konferencie a DidactIG - 5. ročník konferencie, 5.-7. apríl 2017 v Banskej Bystrici [CD-ROM]. Banská Bystrica : Univerzita Mateja Bela, 2017. ISBN 978-80-557-1216-1, s. 195-196.
    MOSIN, Sergey. The state-of-the-art trends in education strategy for sustainable development of the high performance computing ecosystem. In Communications in computer and information science. ISSN 1865-0929, 2017, no. 793, pp. 494-504.
    SERIK, Meruert - YERLANOVA, Gulmira - KARELKHAN, Nursaule - TEMIRBEKOV, Nurlykhan. The use of the high-performance computing in the learning process. In International journal of emerging technologies in learning- ISSN 1868-8799, 2021, vol. 16, no. 17, pp. 240-254.
    ALMUTAIRI, Mubarak - JAMIL, Mutiullah - MUNIR, Kashif - WAHEED, Ayesha. Human-computer interaction consideration for education information system: teaching the concept of DLD. In International journal of computer science and network security. ISSN 1738-7906, 2022, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 491-500.
    TOMSIC, P. - HARISCH, D. - JAVORSEK, J. J. Raising the awarness of HPC usage in Slovenia through National competence center trainings. In MIPRO 2022 proceedings : 45th jubilee international convention on information, communication and electronic technology, Opatija, 23rd-27th May 2022. Rijeka : Croatian society for information, communication and electronic technology, 2022. ISBN 978-953233103-5, pp. 683-688.
    ŠIMON, Marek - HURAJ, Ladislav - BÚČIK, Nicolas. A comparative analysis of high availability for Linux container infrastructures. In Future internet. ISSN 1999-5903, 2023, vol. 15, no. 8, pp. 1-19.
    ŠIMON, Marek - HURAJ, Ladislav. VirtualBox and Proxmox VE in network management : a user-centered comparison for university environments. In 12th computer science online conference : CSOC 2023, online, 03rd-5th April 2023. Berlin : Springer science and business media Deutschland, 2023. ISBN 978-303135316-1, pp. 486-495. - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Databasexpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ


  6. TitlePrivátny cloud pre VÚJE Trnava
    Subtitlediplomová práca
    Author infoEduard Vesel; školiteľ: Vladimír Siládi
    Author Vesel Eduard
    Another authors Siládi Vladimír 1970- (Školiteľ (konzultant))
    Corporation Univerzita Mateja Bela . Fakulta prírodných vied . Katedra informatiky , Banská Bystrica, Slovensko
    Issue dataBanská Bystrica , 2014. - 63 s.
    Keywords private clouds   počítačové cloudy   cloudové služby - cloud services   virtualizácia  
    CountrySlovak Republic
    systematics 004 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Databasexk - Kvalifikačné práce
    Copy count1, currently available 0, at library only 1
  7. TitleBudovanie privátneho cloudu vo VUJE a.s.
    Subtitleriešenie pre systém WUCAMS
    Author infoEduard Vesel, Vladimír Siládi; rec. Ján Klimeš, Ľudovít Trajtel ... [et al.]
    Author Vesel Eduard (50%)
    Co-authors Siládi Vladimír 1970- (50%) UMBFP05 - Katedra informatiky
    Another authors Klimeš Ján (Recenzent)
    Trajteľ Ľudovít 1954- (Recenzent)
    Brodenec Ivan 1977- (Recenzent)
    Trhan Peter 1975- (Recenzent)
    Source document Prírodovedec - ŠVOČ 2013 : zborník príspevkov zo ŠVOČ 2013 konanej 17. apríla 2013. S. 196-202. - Banská Bystrica : Univerzita Mateja Bela, Fakulta prírodných vied, 2013 / Gondášová Anna 1983- ; Spišiak Ján 1953- ; Prírodovedec 2014 študentská vedecká konferencia
    Keywords private clouds   Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud  
    CountrySlovak Republic
    systematics 316.77
    Public work category AFD
    No. of Archival Copy26287 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Databasexpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ
  8. TitleA parallel processing of spatial data interpolation on computing cloud
    Author infoVladimír Siládi ... [et al.]
    Author Siládi Vladimír 1970- (50%) UMBFP05 - Katedra informatiky
    Co-authors Huraj Ladislav (40%)
    Polčák Norbert (5%) UMBFP01 - Katedra geografie a geológie
    Vesel Eduard (5%)
    Source document Fifth Balkan conference in informatics BCI 2012 : proceedings, Novi Sad, Serbia, September 16-20, 2012. S. 193-198. - Novi Sad : University of Novi Sad, 2012 / Budimac Zoran ; Ivanović Mirjana ; Radovanović Miloś ; BCI 2012 Fifth Balkan Conference in Informatics
    Keywords cloud computing   cluster computing   paralelné počítanie - paralelné výpočty - parallel computing   inverse distance weighting method   interpolation methods   počítačové cloudy   klastrové počítanie   metóda inverzných váhovaných vzdialeností   interpolačné metódy  
    systematics 004
    Public work category AFC
    No. of Archival Copy23479
    Repercussion category WANG, Xuezhi - ZHAO, Jianghua - ZHOU, Yuanchun - LI, Jianhui. The geospatial data cloud : an implementation of applying cloud computing in geosciences. In Data science journal. ISSN 1683-1470, 2015, vol. 13, pp. 254-264.
    MASBAH, Saleh. Conceptual security framework based on cloud computing services for spatial database. In International journal of computer applications. ISSN 0975-8887, 2017, vol. 161, no. 1, pp. 1-5.
    DAS, Jaydeep - GHOSH, Soumya K. - BUYYA, Rajkumar. Geospatial edge-fog computing: a systematic review, taxonomy, and future directions. In Mobile edge computing. Cham : Springer Nature Switzerland, 2021. ISBN 978-3-030-69892-8, pp. 47-69.
    ZHANG, Yaoxin - JIA, Yafei. Fast bed interpolation algoritm on CPU and GPU. In World environmental and water resources congress 2019 : hydraulics, waterways, and water distribution systems analysis, Pittsburgh, 19th-23rd May 2019. Reston : American society of civil engineers, 2019. ISBN 978-0-7844-8235-3, pp. 208-220. - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Databasexpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ


  9. TitleInterpolačné výpočty s použitím počítačových cloudov
    Subtitlebakalárska práca
    Author infoEduard Vesel; školiteľ: Vladimír Siládi
    Author Vesel Eduard
    Another authors Siládi Vladimír 1970- (Školiteľ (konzultant))
    Corporation Univerzita Mateja Bela . Fakulta prírodných vied . Katedra informatiky , Banská Bystrica, Slovensko
    Issue dataBanská Bystrica , 2012. - 43 s.
    Keywords interpolačné výpočty   interpolácia   počítačové cloudy  
    CountrySlovak Republic
    systematics 004 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Databasexk - Kvalifikačné práce
    Copy count1, currently available 0, at library only 1

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