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Your query: Keywords = "paleopathology"
  1. TitlePaleopatologické nálezy z vybraných archeologických výskumov na Slovensku
    Author infoMária Vondráková a kol.
    Author Vondráková Mária
    Issue dataNitra : Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre , 2011. - 238 s. : il., tab., 30 cm
    Issue1. vyd.
    Edition Prírodovedec , 483
    ISBN978-80-8094-892-4 , 978-80-558-0002-8
    NoteBibliogr. odkazy.
    Keywords paleopatológia   paleozoológia   archeologické výskumy - excavations (archaeology) - archaeological excavations - archaeological research   paleopathology   zoopaleontology  
    CountrySlovak Republic
    systematics 56
    902.2 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Databasexkni - BOOKS
    Copy count2, currently available 2
    Call numberLocationSublocationUmiestnenieInfo
    331171Univerzita Mateja BelaDepartment of absent lending
    331172Univerzita Mateja BelaDepartment of absent lending
  2. TitleOdontological analysis of juvenile and adult individuals from slavic cemetery (9th – 10th c. A. D.) at Pobedim-Hradištia, western Slovakia
    Par.titleOdontologická analýza adolescentných a dospelých jedincov zo slovanského pohrebiska Pobedim - Hradištia (9. – 10. stor. n. l), Západné Slovensko
    Author infoPetra Selecká, Milan Thurzo, Silvia Bodoriková, Radoslav Beňuš
    Author3 (25%) UMBFP09 - Katedra biológie a environmentálnych štúdií
    Co-authors Thurzo Milan (25%)
    Bodoriková Silvia (25%)
    Beňuš Radoslav (25%)
    Source document Zmienność Biologiczna Człowieka. Roč. 9, č. 9 (2010), s. 63-73. - Krakov : Jagelonská univerzita, Inštitút zoológie, Katedra antropológie, 2010
    NoteBibl.: s. 73
    Keywords paleopatológia   zuby   zubné kazy   zápalové procesy   archeológia stredoveku - stredoveká archeológia - medieval archaeology   paleopathology   teeth  
    Headings Geogr. Európa stredná
    systematics 572
    AnnotationThe article provides dentition state data obtained from individuals unearthed at a cemetery in district of Piešťany, the main aim was the scoring of dental caries and inflammatory processes. Altogether, 44 individuals with 997 alveoli and 750 teeth were examined (Comparative Alveolar Index CAI = 70.8, Comparative Dental Index CDI = 53.3). At least one caries or one ante-mortem tooth loss were found in 37 individuals, so the caries frequency (F-CE) reached 84.1%. The caries intensity (I-CE), consisting of caries frequency (% C = 12.7%) and ante-mortem tooth loss (% E = 4.4%), was 17.1%. In average, there were 3.2 carious or lost teeth in each individual. According to the caries distribution among different dental areas, most of the caries affected the crown area (54.1%), less the cervical area (28.4%) and least the both parts at once (17.4%). Both the F-CE and I-CE have positively growing tendency with increasing age. As regards the proportion of coronal and cervical caries, the lesions localized on crown predominated in juvenile individuals, while in the other age categories the cervical caries are more frequent. While analyzing the periapical inflammatory processes, at least one inflammatory lesion was found in eight individuals (18.2%). Total sum of that processes was 10 (1.0 %), the radicular cyst was the most frequent (0.6%). A comparison with the data achieved from the same skeletal series in 2002 (Table 7) shows that there are differences especially in the number (frequency) of carious teeth, which could be explained by the use of different method and by different number of analyzed individuals. An analogical situation could be anticipated in the cases of other earlier dental studies.
    Public work category ADE
    No. of Archival Copy19130 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Databasexpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ


  3. TitleKazivosť chrupu stredovekých populácií z územia Slovenska
    Par.titleDental caries in relation to the life style of medieval skeletal populations from Slovakia
    Author infoPetra Selecká ... [et. al.]
    Author Selecká Petra 1976- (30%) UMBFP09 - Katedra biológie a environmentálnych štúdií
    Co-authors Thurzo Milan (10%)
    Beňuš Radoslav (30%)
    Bodoriková Silvia (30%)
    Source documentSlovenská antropológia. Roč. 13, č. 2 (2010), s. 48-51. - Bratislava : Slovenská technická univerzita, 2010
    Keywords zuby   paleopatológia   zubné kazy   stredovek - Middle Ages   teeth   paleopathology   dental caries  
    Headings Geogr. Slovensko
    CountrySlovak Republic
    systematics 57
    AnnotationOdontologický výskum bol zameraný na zisťovanie prítomnosti zubných kazov u stredovekých populácií (7. - 12 stor. n. l.) z územia Slovenska. Súbor tvorilo 719 juvenilných a dospelých jedincov z 9 stredovekých pohrebísk, ktoré boli rozdelené do štyroch chronologických období (avarské, veľkomoravské, obdobie maďarských nájazdov, obdobie arpádovskej dynastie). Medzi jednotlivými chronologickými obdobiami sa zistili preukazné rozdiely v počte zubných kazov. V porovnaní s ostatnými obdobiami sa najviac odlišovali jedinci z avarského obdobia (počet zubných kazov u týchto jedincov bol vyšší). Získané výsledky naznačujú, že potrava avarských populácií sa zrejme odlišovala od potravy ostatných skúmaných populácií. This article summarizes odontological research into the medieval (7th – 12th A.D.) populations from Slovakia and presents conclusions concerning the diachronic differences in their dental caries. Skeletal remains from nine cemeteries were separated to four chronological periods (Avar period, Great-Moravian Period, Hungarian Conquest Period, Arpadian Period). Caries were summarized in the sample comprising from 719 adolescent and adult individuals. Significant differences were found in diachronic groups. The most different were the individuals from Avar Period, their number of dental caries was higher than the one from another chronological periods. These results indicate that diet of the Avarian populations somehow differed from the diet consumed in other investigated periods
    Public work category ADF
    No. of Archival Copy18157 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Databasexpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ


  4. TitleOdontologická analýza adolescentných a dospelých jedincov z neskoroavarského pohrebiska Komárno-Lodenica (7./8. - 9. stor. n. l.)
    Par.titleOdontological analysis of juvenil and adult individuals from the late Avar-cemetery at Komárno-Lodenica (7/8th - 9 th c. A.D.), south Slovakia
    Author infoPetra Selecká, Silvia Bodoriková, Radoslav Beňuš
    Author Selecká Petra 1976- (34%) UMBFP09 - Katedra biológie a environmentálnych štúdií
    Co-authors Bodoriková Silvia (33%)
    Beňuš Radoslav (33%)
    Source document Slovenská antropológia : bulletin Slovenskej antropologickej spoločnosti SAV. Roč. 12, č. 1 (2009), s. 28-38. - Bratislava : Slovenská technická univerzita, Slovenská antropologická spoločnosť pri Slovenskej akadémii vied, 2009
    NoteBibl.: s. 37-38
    Keywords zuby   paleopatológia   zubné kazy   zápalové procesy   teeth   paleopathology   dental caries   inflammatory processes  
    Headings Geogr. Európa stredná
    CountrySlovak Republic
    systematics 56
    AnnotationThe main aim of the article was scoring of dental caries and inflammatory processes. Altogether, 39 individuals with 960 alveoli and 562 teeth were examined (Comparative Alveolar Index CAI = 76.9, Comparative Dental Index CDI = 45.0). At least one caries or one ante-mortem tooth loss were found in 33 individuals, so the caries frequency (F-CE) reached 84.6%. The caries intensity (I-CE), consisting of the caries frequency (% C = 16.4%) and the ante-mortem tooth loss (% E = 11.6%), was 28.0 %. In average, there were 5.2 carious or lost teeth in each individual. According to the caries distribution in different dental areas, the caries mostly affected the crown area (68.6%), less the cervical area (19.8%) and least the both parts at once (11.6%). Both the F-CE and I-CE have positively growing tendency with increasing age. As regards the proportion of coronal and cervical caries, the lesions localized on crown predominated in juvenile individuals, while in the other age categories the cervical caries are more frequent. While analyzing the periapical inflammatory processes, at least one inflammatory lesion was found in eight individuals (20.5%). Sum total of that processes was 23 (2.4%), the abscess and radicular cyst were the most frequent (1.1%). A comparison with the data achieved from the same skeletal series in 1987 (Table 7) shows that there are differences especially in the number (frequency) of carious teeth, which could be explained by the use of different method and by different number of analyzed individuals. An analogical situation could be anticipated in the cases of other earlier dental studies.
    Public work category ADF
    No. of Archival Copy14205 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Databasexpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ


  5. TitleOdontologická analýza adolescentných a dospelých jedincov zo slovanského pohrebiska v Pobedime - Na laze (10. - 11. stor.): Konfrontácia s hodnotením z roku 1972
    Par.titleOdontological analysis of juvenile and adult individuals from Slavic cemetery (10th – 11th c. A.D.) at Pobedim, site Na laze, Southwestern Slovakia: A confrontation with the data obtained in 1972.
    Author infoPetra Selecká, Silvia Bodoriková, Radoslav Beňuš
    Author Selecká Petra 1976- (40%) UMBFP09 - Katedra biológie a environmentálnych štúdií
    Co-authors Bodoriková Silvia (30%)
    Beňuš Radoslav (30%)
    Source documentSlovenská antropológia. Roč. 11, č. 1 (2008), s. 80-88. - Bratislava : Slovenská technická univerzita, 2008
    NoteBibl.: s. 87-88
    Keywords paleopatológia   zuby   analýza chrupu   stredovek - Middle Ages   paleopathology   teeth   dental state analysis  
    CountrySlovak Republic
    systematics 51
    AnnotationČlánok je zameraný na hodnotenie zubných kazov a zápalových procesov parodontu u kostrových pozostatkov exhumovaných jedincov. Vyšetrených bolo 60 jedincov (1162 alveol a 1128 zubov), CAI = 86,6 a CDI = 58,8. U 49 jedincov bol diagnostikovaný najmenej jeden kaz alebo jedna intravitálna strata zubu, takže Frekvencia kazivosti (F-CE = 83,1%). Intenzita kazivosti (I-CE), zahŕňajúca frekvenciu kazov (% C = 13,3 %)a intravitálnu stratu zubov (% E = 5,7 %) bola 19,0 %. V priemere na každého jedinca pripadalo 4,2 kariézneho alebo intravitálne strateného zuba. Najviac sa vyskytlo korunkových kazov (60,2 %), menej krčkových kazov (28,8 %) a najmenej bolo kombinovaných kazov (11,1 %). Frekvencia kazivosti (F-CE) ale aj intenzita kazivosti (I-CE) mala jednoznačne vekovo stúpajúcu tendenciu. Minimálne jeden zápalový proces sa vyskytol u 10 indivíduí (16,7 %). Celkový počet zápalových procesov bol 19 (0,1 %), radikulárna cysta bola najfrekventovanejšia (0,9 %). Porovnanie s údajmi zistenými na rovnakej vzorke kostrového materiálu z roku 1972, poukazuje hlavne na rozdiely v počte (frekvencii) kariéznych zubov, ktoré možno pripísať nielen inej metodike hodnotenia, ale azda aj odlišnému počtu jedincov zaradených do výskumu. The article provides data on dental caries and inflammatory processes in excavated individuals. Altogether, 60 individuals with 1162 alveoli and 1128 teeth were examined (Comparative Alveolar Index CAI = 86.6, Comparative Dental Index CDI = 58.8). At least, one caries or one ante-mortem tooth loss were found in 49 individuals, so the caries frequency (F-CE) reached 83.1%. The caries intensity (I-CE), consisting of caries frequency (% C = 13.3%) and ante-mortem tooth loss (% E = 5.7%), reached 19.0%. In average, there were 4.2 carious or lost teeth in every individual. According to the caries distribution among different dental components, most of the caries affected the crown area (60.2%), less the cervical area (28.8%) and least the both parts at once (11.1%). The age-depended frequency of caries (F-CE) and intensity of caries (I-CE) have positively increasing tendency. Besides the dental caries, the periapical inflammatory processes were examined. At least one inflammatory lesion was found in 10 individuals (16.7%). Sum total of that processes was 19 (0.1%), the radicular cyst was the most frequent (0.9 %). A comparison with the data achieved from the same skeletal series in 1972 (Table 7) shows that there are differences especially in the number (frequency) of carious teeth, which could be explained by the use of different method and different number of individuals.
    Public work category ADF
    No. of Archival Copy10357 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Databasexpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ


  6. TitleZápalové zmeny alveolov u jedincov z vybraných stredovekých pohrebísk z územia západného Slovenska
    Par.titleAlveolar inflammatory changes in individuals from selected medieval cemeteries in the territory of Western Slovakia
    Author infoSilvia Bodoriková ...[et al.]
    Author Bodoriková Silvia (40%)
    Co-authors Thurzo Milan (20%)
    Beňuš Radoslav (20%)
    Selecká Petra 1976- UMBFP09 - Katedra biológie a environmentálnych štúdií
    Source documentSlovenská antroplógia. Roč. 9, č. 2(2006), s. 4-11. - Bratislava : STU, 2006
    Keywords stredoveké pohrebiská   odontology   paleopathology   periapical granuloma   cysts   abscess   osteomyelitis  
    CountrySlovak Republic
    systematics 902
    AnnotationThe aim of the study was to ascertain the frequencies of periapical inflammatory processes in individuals buried in four Slavonic cemeteries (Borovce, Nitra-Lupka, Komárno-Lodenica and Tvrdošovce), localized in the territory of contemporary West Slovakia. The highest frequency of inflammatory focuses was determinated in the cemetery of Borovce (55.7%), while the lowest frequency was found in individuals from Komárno-Lodenica (19.4%). Similarly, the highest total number of periapical inflammatory focuses was determined in individuals from the locality of Borovce, in which 376 inflammatory lesions were present (5.3% of affected alveoli). The lowest number of affected alveoli was found in individuals from Komárno, where the total number of inflammatory focuses was 19 (2.3%). Radicular cysts and abcesses were the most common diagnosis in the cemeteries of Borovce and Nitra-Lupka, osteomyelitis and cysts were the most frequented in Komárno-Lodenica, while cysts and periapical granulomas dominated in Tvrdošovce
    Public work category ADF
    No. of Archival Copy7460 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Databasexpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ


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