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Your query: Keywords = "angažovanosť"
  1. TitleSlovak adolescents' self-concept as a predictor of their school engagement
    Author infoBeata Žitniaková Gurgová, Lenka Ďuricová
    Author Žitniaková Gurgová Beata 1977- (50%) UMBPF08 - Katedra psychológie
    Co-authors Ďuricová Lenka 1976- (50%) UMBPF08 - Katedra psychológie
    Source document Psychological application and trends 2024. Pp. 542-546. - Lisabon : inScience Press, 2024 ; InPACT 2024 international psychological applications conference and trends 2024
    Keywords dospievanie - maturation   školská angažovanosť - school engagement   sebaponímanie - sebapojatie - sebapoňatie - self-concept  
    Form. Descr.príspevky v zborníku - proceedings papers
    AnnotationA student's school engagement is a significant factor in his/her school success (Appleton et al., 2006; Simons-Morton & Chen, 2009; Wang, 2009). Student self-concept is also associated with school performance according to previous research (e.g., Marsh & Martin, 2011). The present study builds on the results of the investigation of the correlations between the overall self-concept of Slovak adolescents and their school engagement. However, its aim is to confirm the individual dimensions of adolescents' self-concept in the Piers-Harris sense in the role of predictors of their overall school engagement. Thus, the ambition of the research study is to contribute to the explanation of the construct of school engagement. The research sample consists of 1013 adolescents (AMage = 17.00, SDage = 1.27) from different regions of the Slovak Republic. ASCSS/Adolescents' Self-Concept Short Scale (Veiga & Leite, 2016) and SES-4DS/Student Engagement in Schools - Four-dimensional Scale (Veiga, 2016) were used as research instruments. Multiple regression analysis deepened the results of the correlational analysis and a statistically significant regression model explained approximately 45% of the adolescent school engagement variable. In the role of significant predictors in relation to school engagement, the model confirms three of the six dimensions of adolescents' self-concept in the Piers-Harris sense: behaviour, popularity, and intellectual status. The discussion focuses on finding parallels with the dimensions of the construct of school engagement (behavioural, affective and cognitive). The results of the research study (despite its limits: self-reports, data collection) can be used in setting up intervention programs oriented towards strengthening students' school engagement and secondarily improving their academic performance.
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    Public work category AFC
    No. of Archival Copy54444 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Databasexpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ
  2. TitleŠkolská angažovanosť adolescenta vo vzťahu k jeho vzdelávacím výsledkom
    Subtitlediplomová práca
    Author infoVeronika Zajícová; školiteľ: Lenka Ďuricová
    Author Zajícová Veronika
    Another authors Ďuricová Lenka 1976- (Školiteľ (konzultant))
    Corporation Univerzita Mateja Bela . Pedagogická fakulta . Katedra psychológie , Banská Bystrica, Slovensko
    Issue dataBanská Bystrica , 2024. - 61 s.
    Keywords školská angažovanosť - school engagement   adolescencia - adolescence   adolescenti - dospievajúca mládež - adolescents   vzdelávacie výsledky - výsledky vzdelávania - educational results  
    Form. Descr.diplomové práce - master’s theses
    CountrySlovak Republic
    systematics 37 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Databasexk - Kvalifikačné práce
    Copy count1, currently available 0
  3. TitleThe school engagement of Slovak adolescents in relation to their self-concept
    Author infoL. Ďuricová, B. Žitniaková Gurgová
    Author Ďuricová Lenka 1976- (50%) UMBPF08 - Katedra psychológie
    Co-authors Žitniaková Gurgová Beata 1977- (50%) UMBPF08 - Katedra psychológie
    Source document EDULEARN23 : 15th annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies : conference proceedings. pp. 2439-2444. - Valencia : International association of technology, education and development (IATED), 2023 ; International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies medzinárodná konferencia
    Keywords školské sebapoňatie   sebaponímanie - sebapojatie - sebapoňatie - self-concept   adolescenti - dospievajúca mládež - adolescents   školská angažovanosť - school engagement  
    Form. Descr.príspevky v zborníku - proceedings papers
    URLLink na plný text
    Public work category AFC
    No. of Archival Copy53333 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Databasexpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ
  4. TitleSchool engagement and educational outcomes of Slovak adolescents in the context of social media use
    Author infoVladimír Poliach, Lenka Ďuricová
    Author Poliach Vladimír 1956- (50%) UMBPF08 - Katedra psychológie
    Co-authors Ďuricová Lenka 1976- (50%) UMBPF08 - Katedra psychológie
    Source document Psychological applications and trends 2023. pp. 484-488. - Lisabon : inScience Press, 2023 ; International Psychological Applications Conference and Trends (InPACT) 2023 medzinárodná konferencia
    Keywords sociálne médiá - social media   vyučovací proces - teaching process   školská angažovanosť - school engagement  
    Form. Descr.príspevky v zborníku - proceedings papers
    URL Link na zdrojový dokument
    Public work category AFC
    No. of Archival Copy53330 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Databasexpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ
  5. TitleSchool engagement of Slovak adolescents in relation to the big five personality traits
    Author infoB. Žitniaková Gurgová, L. Ďuricová
    Author Žitniaková Gurgová Beata 1977- (50%) UMBPF08 - Katedra psychológie
    Co-authors Ďuricová Lenka 1976- (50%) UMBPF08 - Katedra psychológie
    Source document EDULEARN23 : 15th annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies : conference proceedings. Pp. 4478-4483. - Valencia : International association of technology, education and development (IATED), 2023 ; International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies medzinárodná konferencia
    Keywords adolescenti - dospievajúca mládež - adolescents   školská angažovanosť - school engagement   osobnostné vlastnosti  
    Form. Descr.príspevky v zborníku - proceedings papers
    URLLink na plný text
    Public work category AFC
    No. of Archival Copy53334 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Databasexpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ
  6. TitleAngažovanosť zamestnancov ako predpoklad výkonnosti podniku
    Subtitlediplomová práca
    Author infoKatarína Mitrová; školiteľ: Jozef Ďurian
    Author Mitrová Katarína
    Another authors Ďurian Jozef 1973- (Školiteľ (konzultant))
    Corporation Univerzita Mateja Bela . Ekonomická fakulta . Katedra ekonomiky a manažmentu podniku , Banská Bystrica, Slovensko
    Issue dataBanská Bystrica , 2023. - 104 s.
    Keywords výkonnosť podniku - podniková výkonnosť - industrial productivity - business performance   meranie výkonnosti podniku - business performance measurement   zamestnanci - employees   angažovanosť - engagement  
    Form. Descr.diplomové práce - master’s theses
    CountrySlovak Republic
    systematics 005.332.1 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Databasexk - Kvalifikačné práce
    Copy count1, currently available 0
  7. TitleŠvajčiarska neutralita a solidarita
    Subtitlebakalárska práca
    Author infoSimona Kohútová; školiteľ: Peter Terem
    Author Kohútová Simona
    Another authors Terem Peter 1970- (Školiteľ (konzultant))
    Corporation Univerzita Mateja Bela . Fakulta politických vied a medzinárodných vzťahov . Katedra medzinárodných vzťahov a diplomacie , Banská Bystrica, Slovensko
    Issue dataBanská Bystrica , 2023. - 49 s.
    Corporation keywords Organizácia Spojených národov, New York, USA - OSN - United Nations Organization - UNO
    Keywords neutralita - neutrality   solidarita - solidarity   medzinárodné inštitúcie a organizácie - international institutions and organizations   politická angažovanosť - political involvement  
    Headings Geogr. Švajčiarsko
    Form. Descr.bakalárske práce - bachelor’s theses
    CountrySlovak Republic
    systematics 341.214
    (494) - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Databasexk - Kvalifikačné práce
    Copy count1, currently available 0
  8. TitlePracovná angažovanosť zamestnancov vo vybranom podniku
    Subtitlediplomová práca
    Author infoZuzana Chmarová; školiteľ: Mirioslava Knapková
    Author Florková Zuzana
    Another authors Knapková Miroslava 1978- (Školiteľ (konzultant))
    Corporation Univerzita Mateja Bela . Ekonomická fakulta . Katedra ekonómie , Banská Bystrica, Slovensko
    Issue dataBanská Bystrica , 2023. - 87 s.
    Keywords zamestnanci - employees   angažovanosť - engagement   podniky - business enterprises  
    Form. Descr.diplomové práce - master’s theses
    CountrySlovak Republic
    systematics 331.108.2 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Databasexk - Kvalifikačné práce
    Copy count1, currently available 0
  9. TitleŠkolská angažovanosť adolescentov v kontexte problematického používania sociálnych médií
    Subtitlediplomová práca
    Author infoVanessa Mináčová; školiteľ: Lenka Ďuricová
    Author Mináčová Vanessa
    Another authors Ďuricová Lenka 1976- (Školiteľ (konzultant))
    Corporation Univerzita Mateja Bela . Pedagogická fakulta . Katedra psychológie , Banská Bystrica, Slovensko
    Issue dataBanská Bystrica , 2023. - 65 s.
    Keywords sociálne médiá - social media   školská angažovanosť - school engagement   adolescenti - dospievajúca mládež - adolescents  
    Form. Descr.diplomové práce - master’s theses
    CountrySlovak Republic
    systematics 316.774:004.738 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Databasexk - Kvalifikačné práce
    Copy count1, currently available 0
  10. TitleThe Civic-Minded Graduate Construct in the Context of the Engaged University - A Case Study of a University From Slovakia
    Author infoAlžbeta Brozmanová Gregorová, Zuzana Heinzová
    Author Brozmanová Gregorová Alžbeta 1979- (50%) UMBPF12 - Katedra sociálnej práce
    Co-authors Heinzová Zuzana 1977- (50%) UMBPF08 - Katedra psychológie
    Source document Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement. Vol. 27, no. 4 (2023), pp. 65-77. - Athens : University of Georgia, 2023
    Keywords spoločenská angažovanosť - social involvement   občianske kompetencie - civic competences   občianska spoločnosť - civil society   absolventi - graduates  
    Form. Descr.články - journal articles
    AnnotationOur exploratory study analyzes the civic-mindedness of university graduates in an engaged university with emphasis on Central and Eastern Europe, particularly Slovakia. The research sample consisted of 452 graduates of the second level of university studies. To map and analyze civic-mindedness, we used the Civic-Minded Graduate Questionnaire (CMG; Steinberg et al., 2011). At the selected university, graduates scored the highest in skills and dispositions and the lowest in behavioral intentions. Furthermore, we found that those graduates who volunteered during their university studies had statistically significant greater development in the areas knowledge, skills, dispositions, and behavioral intentions, as well as in CMG scale overall, than those who did not participate in volunteering. Our study showed that the CMG concept is usable in countries with different contexts of the development of the university environment and the idea of citizenship and can help map the level of civic-mindedness among university graduates.
    Public work category ADE
    No. of Archival Copy54007 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Databasexpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ
    ReferencesPERIODIKÁ-Súborný záznam periodika

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