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Your query: Keywords = "Pb isotopes"
  1. TitleDetermination of Pb isotope ratios in Sb-mineralization from Western Carpathians
    Author infoPeter Andráš ... [et al.]
    Author Andráš Peter 1953- (40%) UMBFP04 - Katedra životného prostredia
    Co-authors Chovan Martin (30%)
    Dirner Vojtech 1953- (15%)
    Kráľ Ján (15%)
    Source document Selected Sb-Au, Cu-Ag and Hg ore deposits - origin, mineralogy, environmental problems. S. 49-60. - Košice : Technická univerzita, 2015 / Zamarský Vítězslav ; Števulová Naděžda ; Marschalko Marian ; Buccheri Giuseppe 1973-
    Keywords Pb-izotopy   mineralizácia - mineralization   Pb-isotopes  
    Headings Geogr. Západné Karpaty (pohorie)
    CountrySlovak Republic
    systematics 55
    AnnotationThe article present the comparison of the Pb-isotope study of antimony-ores from important Sb-mineralization of Western Carpathian: from Tatric unit (Pezinok, Kuchyňa, Pernek, Dúbrava, Magurka, Lom, Trangoška, Jasenie, Kriváň deposits and occurrences), Gemeric unit (Helcmanovce, Grexa and Poproč deposits) and from Eastern Slovakian neovolcanites (Zlatá Baňa). The study is compared with results of previous investigations of affiliated galena mineralization. The lead is of a crustal origine. The lead from Taric and that from Gemeric unit (and Eastern Slovakian Neovolcanites) seems to be derived from different reservoirs
    Public work category AED
    No. of Archival Copy36971 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Databasexpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ


  2. TitleAntimony quartz and antimony-gold quartz veins from northern Portugal
    Author infoA. M. R. Neiva, P. Andráš, J. M. F. Ramos
    TitleSubtitle Translation : Antimónovo-kremenné a antimónovo-zlato-kremenné žily zo severného Portugalska
    Author Neiva A. M. R. (45%)
    Co-authors Andráš Peter 1953- (40%) UMBFP04 - Katedra životného prostredia
    Ramos J. M. F. (15%)
    Source document Ore Geology Reviews. Vol. 34, no. 4 (2008), pp. 533-546. - Amsterdam : Elsevier B.V., 2008
    Keywords antimón - antimony   Pb-izotopy   zdroj fluid   zlato - gold   genéza - genesis   Pb-isotopes   orrigin of fluids  
    CountryUnited States of America
    systematics 551
    Public work category ADC
    No. of Archival Copy11015
    Repercussion categoryABREU, Maria Manuela - MAGALHAES, M. Clara F. Phytostabilization of soils in minig areas : case studies from Portugal. In Soil Remediaton. New York : Nova Science Publishers, 2009. ISBN 978-1-60741-074-4, s. 297-344.
    GOMEZ-FERNANDEZ, Fernando - VINDEL, Elena - MARTIN-CRESPO, Tomas et al. The Llamas de Cabrera gold district, a new discovery in the Variscan basement of northwest Spain : a fluid inclusion and stable isotope study. In Ore geology reviews. ISSN 0169-1368, 2012, vol. 46, pp. 68-82.
    DE SÁ, C.M. - NORONHA, F. Mineralogia, inclusões fluidas e isótopos de chumbo dos filões de Pb-(Zn-Ag) do Complexo Mineiro do Braçal, Centro-Oeste de Portugal. In Comunicacoes geologicas. ISSN 0873-948X, 2011, vol. 98, no. 1, pp. 41-54.
    QINGCHENG, Hu - XINBIAO, Lü - QI, Gao et al. Dissolution and migration of Au in hydrothermal : ore deposit: a review. In Advances in Earth science. ISSN 1001-8166, 2012, vol. 27, no. 8, pp. 847-856.
    MIYOSHI, Y. - ISHIBASHI, J.-I. - FAURE, K. et al. Mg-rich clay mineral formation associated with marine shallow-water hydrothermal activity in an arc volcanic caldera setting. In Chemical geology. ISSN 0009-2541, 2013, vol. 355, pp. 28-44.
    LI, Nan - DENG, Jun - YANG, Li-Qiang - GOLDFARB, Richard J. - ZHANG, Chuang - MARSH, Erin - LEI, Shi-Bin - KOENIG, Alan - LOWERS, Heather. Paragenesis and geochemistry of ore minerals in the epizonal gold deposits of the Yangshan gold belt, West Qinling, China. In Mineralium deposita. ISSN 0026-4598, 2014, vol. 49, no. 4, pp. 427-449.
    KOTULA, Piotr. Stibnite vein from Dębowina near Bardo (polish Sudetes). In Contemporary trends in Geoscience. ISSN 2299-8179, 2014, vol. 2, pp. 28-33.
    ZHENG, Bo - ZHU, Yongfeng - AN, Fang - HUANG, Qiu-yue - QIU, Tian. As-Sb-Bi-Au mineralization in the Baogutu gold deposit, Xinjiang, NW China. In Ore geology reviews. ISSN 0169-1368, 2015, vol. 69, pp. 17-32.
    STANDISH, Christopher D. - DHUIME, Bruno - HAWKESWORTH, Chris J. - PIKE, Alistair W G. A non-local source of Irish chalcolithic and early bronze age gold. In Proceedings of the prehistoric society. ISSN 0079-497X, 2015, vol. 81, pp. 149-177.
    DESÁ, C. Marques - AUAJJAR, J. - NORONHA, F. Pb isotopes in galena of Pb-Zn ore deposits from Portugal and Morocco. In Comunicacoes geologicas. ISSN 0873-948X, 2014, vol. 101, pp. 803-806.
    DESÁ, Carlos Marques - AUAJJAR, Jamal - NORONHA, Fernando. Isotopic studies on galena from different types of Pb-Zn deposits in Portugal and Morocco. In 13th SGA biennial meeting on mineral resources in a sustainable world location, Nancy, 24th-27th August 2015. Nancy : ASGA Association scientifique geologie & applications, 2015. ISBN 978-2-85555-066-4, pp. 603-606.
    FUERTES-FUENTE, Mercedes - CEPEDAL, Antonia - LIMA, Alexandre - DORIA, Armanda - RIBEIRO, Maria dos Anjos - GUEDES, Alexandra. The Au-bearing vein system of the Limarinho deposit (northern Portugal) : genetic constraints from Bi-chalcogenides and Bi-Pb-Ag sulfosalts, fluid inclusions and stable isotopes. In Ore geology reviews. ISSN 0169-1368, 2016, vol. 72, pp. 213-231.
    COUTO, H. - KNIGHT, J. Geochemistry of hirnantian rocks from the valongo anticline (Northern Portugal) : identification and significance of Au-Sb-As and REE anomalies. In Comunicacoes geologicas. ISSN 0873-948X, 2015, vol. 102, no. 1, pp. 49-52.
    WANG, Yong Lei - CHEN, Yu Chuan - WANG, Deng Hong - XU, Jue - CHEN, Zheng Hui - LIANG, Ting. The principal antimony concentration areas in China and their resource potentials. In Geology in China. ISSN 1000-3657, 2013, vol. 40, no. 5, pp. 1366-1378.
    ROMER, Rolf L. - KRONER, Uwe. Paleozoic gold in the Appalachians and variscides. In Ore geology reviews. ISSN 0169-1368, 2018, vol. 92, pp. 475-505.
    ZENG, Guo-Ping - GONG, Yong-Jun - HU, Xin-Lu - XIONG, Suo-Fei. Geology, fluid inclusions, and geochemistry of the Zhazixi Sb-W deposit, Hunan, South China. In Ore geology reviews. ISSN 0169-1368, 2017, vol. 91, pp. 1025-1039.
    ZENG, Guoping - GONG, Yongjun - WANG, Zhaofei - HU, Xinlu - XIONG, Suofei. Structures of the Zhazixi Sb-W deposit, South China : implications for ore genesis and mineral exploration. In Journal of geochemical exploration. ISSN 0375-6742, 2017, vol. 182, pp. 10-21.
    POCHON, Anthony - GLOAGUEN, Eric - BRANQUET, Yannick - POUJOL, Marc - RUFFET, Gilles - BOIRON, Marie-Christine - BOULVAIS, Philippe - GUMIAUX, Charles - CAGNARD, Florence - GOUAZOU, Fanny - GAPAIS, Denis. Variscan Sb-Au mineralization in Central Brittany (France): a new metallogenic model derived from the Le Semnon district. In Ore geology reviews. ISSN 0169-1368, 2018, vol. 97, pp. 109-142.
    POCHON, Anthony - BRANQUET, Yannick - GLOAGUEN, Eric - RUFFET, Gilles - POUJOL, Marc - BOULVAIS, Philippe - GUMIAUX, Charles - CAGNARD, Florence - BAELE, Jean-Marc - KERE, Inoussa - GAPAIS, Denis. A Sb +/- Au mineralizing peak at 360 Ma in the Variscan belt. In BSGF-Earth science bulletin. ISSN 0037-9409, 2019, vol. 190, no. 4.
    EPP, T. - WALTER, B. F. - SCHARRER, M. - LEHMANN, G. - HENZE, K. - HEIMGAERTNER, C. - BACH, W. - MARKL, G. Quartz veins with associated Sb-Pb-Ag +/- Au mineralization in the Schwarzwald, SW Germany : a record of metamorphic cooling, tectonic rifting, and element remobilization processes in the Variscan belt. In Mineralium deposita. ISSN 0026-4598, 2019, vol. 54, no. 2, pp. 281-306.
    HAO, Chunming - ZHANG, Wei - GUI, Herong. Hydrogeochemistry characteristic contrasts between low- and high-antimony in shallow drinkable groundwater at the largest antimony mine in hunan province, China. In Applied geochemistry. ISSN 0883-2927, 2020, no. 117.
    MARQUES DE SÁ, C. - NORONHA, F. - CARDELLACH, E. - BOBOS, I. Fluid inclusion and (S, C, O, Pb) isotope study of Pb-Zn-(Cu-Ag) hydrothermal veins from Central and Northern Portugal – Metallogenic implications. In Oreg geology reviews. ISSN 0169-1368, 2019, no. 112.
    FU, Shanling - ZAJACZ, Zoltan - TSAY, Alexandra - HU, Ruizhong. Can magma degassing at depth donate the metal budget of large hydrothermal Sb deposits? In Geochimica et cosmochimica acta. ISSN 0016-7037, 2020, vol. 290, pp. 1-15.
    CHEVAL-GARABEDIAN, Florent - FAURE, Michel - MARCOUX, Eric - GOUIN, Jerome - PICAULT, Maxime. The La Belliere gold and antimony district (French Armorican Massif) : a two-stage evolution model controlled by Variscan strike-slip tectonic. In Ore geology reviews. ISSN 0169-1368, 2020, vol. 125.
    LI, Huan - ZHU, Da-Peng - SHEN, Li-Wei - ALGEO, Thomas J. - ELATIKPO, Safiyanu Muhammad. A general ore formation model for metasediment-hosted Sb-(Au-W) mineralization of the Woxi and Banxi deposits in South China. In Chemical geology. ISSN 0009-2541, 2022, vol. 607, art. no. 121020, pp. 1-24.
    PENG, Yingao - HAO, Chunming - GU, Hongbiao. Spatial distribution and sources of dissolved organic matter in high-antimony shallow groundwater in the Xikuangshan Mine, Hunan, China. In Polish journal of environmental studies. ISSN 1230-1485, 2022, vol. 31, no. 5, pp. 4805-4816.
    DEGRYSE, P. - GONZALEZ, S. N. - VANHAECKE, F. - DILLIS, S. - VAN HAM-MEERT, A. The rise and fall of antimony : sourcing the "colourless" in Roman glass. In Journal of archaeological science-reports. ISSN 2352-409X, 2024, vol. 53, art. no. 104344, pp. 1-8.
    CHEVAL-GARABEDIAN, Florent - MARCOUX, Eric - RAIMBOURG, Hugues - FAURE, Michel. The La Lucette Sb-Au-(W) vein-deposit (Armorican Massif, France) : new time and genetic constraints to decipher the 310-295 Ma Sb-Au metallogenic peak in the Variscan Belt. In Ore geology reviews. ISSN 0169-1368, 2023, vol. 163, art. no. 105728, pp. 1-24.
    GRIFFORE, Melissa P. - SHIEL, Alyssa E. - RUTILA, Elizabeth C. - HILLMAN, Aubrey L. - BARREIRO-LOSTRES, Fernando - VALERO-GARCES, B. L. - MORELLON, Mario - ABBOTT, Mark B. Lead isotope fingerprinting techniques help identify and quantify 3000 years of atmospheric lead pollution from Laguna Roya, northwestern Iberia. In Anthropocene. ISSN 2213-3054, 2023, vol. 42, art. no. 100375, pp. 1-11. - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Databasexpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ
    ReferencesPERIODIKÁ-Súborný záznam periodika


  3. NázovPb isotope study of stibnite mineralization from the western Carpathians
    Aut.údajeAndráš P., Luptáková J., Chovan M.
    Autor Andráš Peter 1953- UMBFP04 - Katedra životného prostredia
    Spoluautori Chovan Martin
    Luptáková J.
    Zdroj.dok.Acta Mineralogica-Petrographica : 3rd "Mineral Sciences in the Carpathians" International Conference, Miskolc March 9 - 10, 2006, Abstract series, Vol 5. S. 5. - Szeged : University of Szeged, 2006
    Kľúč.slová Pb-isotopes   stibnite mineralization  
    Heslá geogr. Západné Karpaty (pohorie)
    Jazyk dok.angličtina
    Systematika 551.1/.4
    Kategória publikačnej činnosti AFG
    Číslo archívnej kópie4551 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Báza dátxpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ
  4. NázovPb-isotope distribution in stibnite mineralization of folded chains and old platforms, comparison
    Aut.údajePeter Andráš, Martin Chovan
    Autor Andráš Peter 1953- UMBFP04 - Katedra životného prostredia
    Spoluautori Chovan Martin
    Zdroj.dok.MDSG London 2006 : Mineral Deposit Studies Group, 29th Annual Winter Meeting, London 4th - 6th January 2006. S. 47-50. - London : Natural History Museum, Imperial College London, 2006
    Kľúč.slová Pb-isotopes   stibnite mineralization   folded chains   old platforms  
    Jazyk dok.angličtina
    KrajinaVeľká Británia
    Systematika 551.1/.4
    Kategória publikačnej činnosti AFC
    Číslo archívnej kópie4551 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Báza dátxpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ
  5. NázovAntimony quartz and antimony-gold quartz veins from northern Portugal
    Súbež.n.Antimonovo-kremenné a antiomonovo-zlaté kremenné žily v severnom Portugalsku
    Aut.údajeA. M. R. Neiva, Peter Andráš, J. M. F. Ramos
    Autor Neiva A. M. R.
    Spoluautori Andráš Peter 1953- UMBFP04 - Katedra životného prostredia
    Ramos J. M. F.
    Zdroj.dok. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. Vol. 70, no. 18, supplement (2006), p. A442. - Amsterdam : Elsevier B.V., 2006
    Kľúč.slová mineralógia - mineralogy   antimonit - antimonite   náleziská zlata   fluidá   Pb-izotopy   Pb-isotopes   zlato - gold  
    Heslá geogr. Portugalsko
    Jazyk dok.angličtina
    Systematika 549
    Kategória publikačnej činnosti AEG
    Číslo archívnej kópie8870
    Kategória ohlasu DILL, Harald G. The "chessboard" classification scheme of mineral deposits : mineralogy and geology from aluminum to zirconium. In Earth - science reviews. ISSN 0012-8252, 2010, vol. 100, no. 1-4, pp. 1-420. - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Báza dátxpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ
    OdkazyPERIODIKÁ-Súborný záznam periodika

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