Number of the records: 1
A cross-cultural study on freshmen's knowledge of genetics, evolution, and the nature of science
Title A cross-cultural study on freshmen's knowledge of genetics, evolution, and the nature of science Author info A. Šorgo ... [et al.] Author Šorgo Andrej (16%)
Co-authors Usak Muhammet (12%)
Kubiatko Milan (12%)
Fančovičová Jana (12%)
Prokop Pavol (12%)
Puhek Miro (12%)
Škoda Jiří (12%)
Bahar Mehmet (12%)
Source document Journal of Baltic Science Education. Vol. 13, no. 1 (2014), pp. 6-18. - Šiauliai : Scientific methodical centre ”Scientia Educologica”, 2014 Keywords evolúcia vesmíru biologická evolúcia - biological evolution genetika - genetics podstata života Language English Country Lithuania systematics 37 Annotation The purpose of this study was to measure the freshmen's level of knowledge about genetics, evolution, human evolution, the nature of science, and opinions on evolution and the presence of non-scientific explanations among Czech, Slovakian, Slovenian and Turkish students. Determination of prior knowledge and pre-conceptions about these issues is important because they are filters to learning other related con cepts. The results are going to be a starting point for developing teaching strategies concerning Darwinian evolution and preparing prospective science teachers for working with students in national and international contexts. A total of 994 first-year university students from the Czech Republic (276; 27.8%), Slovakia (212, 21.3%), Slovenia (217, 27.3%) and Turkey (235, 23.6%) participated in this study. The findings can be summarized as follows: knowledge especially that of the nature of science at the freshmen level was seriously flawed. Non-scientific explanations were present in high percentages. Both were regarded as barriers towards scientific reasoning and acceptance of general human evolution especially for students expressing orthodox religious beliefs. Public work category ADM No. of Archival Copy E3889 Repercussion category DVOŘÁKOVÁ, Radka Marta - HŮLA, Martin. Postoje českých učitelů biologie k výuce evoluce člověka. In Evropské pedagogické fórum 2015 : přínosy, výzvy, očekávání. Hradec Králové : MAGNANIMITAS, 2015. ISBN 978-80-87952-11-5, s. 82-88.
Database xpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ References PERIODIKÁ-Súborný záznam periodika unrecognised
Number of the records: 1