Number of the records: 1
Curricular reform participants in primary schools from teachers´perspective
Title Curricular reform participants in primary schools from teachers´perspective Author info Petra Fridrichová, Štefan Porubský, Vladimír Poliach Author Fridrichová Petra 1982- (33%) UMBPF16 - Centrum edukačného výskumu Pedagogickej fakulty UMB
Co-authors Porubský Štefan 1957- (34%) UMBPF07 - Katedra elementárnej a predškolskej pedagogiky
Poliach Vladimír 1956- (33%) UMBPF08 - Katedra psychológie
Source document SGEM 2016 : 3rd international multidisciplinary scientific conference on social sciences and arts SGEM 2016, 22-31 August, 2016, Albena, Bulgaria : social sciences & arts : conference proceedings, Vol. 1, book 1 - psychology & psychiatry, sociology & healthcare, education. S. 655-662. - Sofia : STEF92, 2016 ; SGEM 2016 - international multidisciplinary scientific conference on social sciences and arts medzinárodná vedecká konferencia Keywords kurikulárne reformy - curriculum reforms external creators of school curriculum teachers´preferences Language English Country Bulgaria systematics 37 Public work category AFC No. of Archival Copy 38690 BB301 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici Database xpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ unrecognised
Number of the records: 1