Number of the records: 1
The Soviet union after Brezhnev
Title The Soviet union after Brezhnev Author info Editor Martin McCauley Title Subtitle Translation : Sovietsky zväz po Brežnevovi Author McCauley Martin
Issue data London : Holmes & Meier , 1983. - 160 s. : mp. Issue 1st ed. ISBN 0-8419-0919-9 Person keywords Brežnev Leonid Iljič ruský politik 1906-1982 Keywords politika a vláda - politics and government medzinárodné vzťahy - international relations Headings Geogr. Sovietsky zväz Language English Country Great Britian systematics 328/329(091)(47+57) BB301 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici Database xkni - BOOKS Copy count 1, currently available 0, at library only 1 book
Call number Location Sublocation Umiestnenie Info 7177 Univerzita Mateja Bela Reading room of political science and law Knižnica prof. Bradleyho In-Library Use Only
Number of the records: 1