Number of the records: 1
Geopolitické postavenie Nemecka a tendencie v jeho zahraničnej politike v 21. storočí
Title Geopolitické postavenie Nemecka a tendencie v jeho zahraničnej politike v 21. storočí Subtitle dizertačná práca Author info Marek Lenč; školiteľ: Peter Terem Author Lenč Marek 1985- (100%) UMBPO03 - Katedra medzinárodných vzťahov a diplomacie
Another authors Terem Peter 1970- (Školiteľ (konzultant))
Issue data Banská Bystrica , 2012. - 170 s., prílohy Keywords zjednotenie Nemecka zahraničná politika - foreign policy geopolitické postavenie - geopolitical position Headings Geogr. Nemecko Language Slovak Country Slovak Republic systematics 327 Annotation The change of Germany‘s geopolitical position created a new and unprecedented situation where Germany had to begin to cope with new challenges. It has gradually began to ,,normalize”. Concrete actions were supported by the distinct rhetoric in the European Union, NATO as well as in the United Nations (an ambition to acquire a permanent seat in the UN Security Council). In the area of military sources of power Germany does not represent a leading power within the delimited region. Germany does not possess chemical or biological weapons and also lacks the ability of nuclear deterrence. Since 1990 continuously reduces the number of its troops and in general cannot equal itself with the position of France and Great Britain. In the area of non-military sources of power is the situation considerably different. Germany as Europe's strongest economy and as the fourth largest world economy has huge economic potential and plays a leading role in the European Union. Public work category DAI No. of Archival Copy 24575 BB301 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici Database xpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ book
Number of the records: 1