Number of the records: 1
Problémy aténskej demokracie a Aristofanes
Title Problémy aténskej demokracie a Aristofanes Author info Miloslav Okál Author Okál Miloslav
Issue data Bratislava : Slovenská akadémia vied , 1969. - 472 s. : bibliogr., reg., 24 cm Issue 1. vyd. Note Bibliografia s. 442-450. Register Person keywords Aristofanes grécky dramatik asi 445-po 386 pred n.l. Keywords dejiny staroveku - ancient history Language Slovak Country Czechoslovakia systematics 938 BB301 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici Database xkni - BOOKS Copy count 4, currently available 2, at library only 2 book
Call number Location Sublocation Umiestnenie Info 88657 Univerzita Mateja Bela Department of history In-Library Use Only 123315 Univerzita Mateja Bela Department of absent lending 88858 Univerzita Mateja Bela Department of absent lending 88658 Univerzita Mateja Bela Department of philosophy In-Library Use Only
Number of the records: 1