Number of the records: 1
Gestalt terapie doslova
Title Gestalt terapie doslova Author info Frederick S. Perls; [Z angl. orig. prel. Vladimír Jochmann] Author Perls Frederick Salomon 1893-1970
Another authors Jochmann Vladimír 1923-2008 (Translator)
Issue data Olomouc : Votobia , 1996. - 315 s. Issue 1. vyd. ISBN 80-7198-115-X Keywords psychoterapia - psychotherapy gestalt terapia - gestalt therapy Language Czech Country Czech Republic systematics 615.8 159.963 BB301 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici Database xkni - BOOKS Copy count 1, currently available 1 book
Call number Location Sublocation Umiestnenie Info 2104 Univerzita Mateja Bela Reading room of political science and law
Number of the records: 1