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Potenciál teórie výrazových zmien a posunov A. Popoviča - didaktický a evalvačný aspekt
Title Potenciál teórie výrazových zmien a posunov A. Popoviča - didaktický a evalvačný aspekt Par.title Theories of expression shifts and changes as presented by A. Popovič and the aspects of further experiences and perspectives Subtitle (skúsenosti a perspektívy) Author info Anita Huťková Author Huťková Anita 1974- (100%) UMBFF12 - Katedra slovenského jazyka a komunikácie
Source document Perspectives of V4 translation studies : studies, considerations and contributions on translation between Czech, Hungarian, Polish and Slovakian languages. S. 29-39. - Praha : Univerzita Karlova v Praze, 2021 / Huťková Anita 1974- ; Kolmanová Simona ; Mészáros Andor ; Németh Szabolcs ; Németh Zoltán 1970- ; Németh Vítová Lenka ; Račáková Anita 1973- ; Olchowa Gabriela 1971- ; Šuša Ivan 1979- ; Perspectives of V4 Translations Studies medzinárodná vedecká konferencia a študentské workschopy Person keywords Popovič Anton slovenský literárny kritik 1933-1984 Keywords autorské preklady slovenská translatológia výrazové prostriedky Headings Geogr. Slovensko Form. Descr. príspevky v zborníku - proceedings papers Language Slovak Country Czech Republic Annotation RESUME Theories of Expression shifts and changes as presented by A. Popovič and the aspects of further experiences and perspectives This study is an introduction to the trailblazing theories of Slovak translations offered by A. Popovič. While revealing its use in teaching translation in school environment, i.e., in higher education, a further aim is to disclose the strengths and weaknesses of this novel approach, acknowledging its aptness for didactics, criticism and practice of literary translation, leaning on translations of old Hungarian literature into Slovak, as a background. URL Link na zdrojový dokument Public work category AFC No. of Archival Copy 50349 BB301 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici Database xpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ article
Number of the records: 1