Number of the records: 1
Cultural studies in the classroom and beyond
Title Cultural studies in the classroom and beyond Subtitle critical pedagogies and classroom strategies Author info Jaafar Aksikas, Sean Johnson Andrews, Donald Hedrick, editors Another authors Aksikas Jaafar (Editor)
Andrews Sean Johnson (Editor)
Hedrick Donald (Editor)
Issue data Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan , 2019. - xx, 346 s., 22 cm ISBN 978-3-030-25392-9 Note Bibliografické odkazy. Register Keywords kultúra - culture štúdium a výučba - study and teaching kultúrne štúdiá - kulturálne štúdiá - cultural studies Form. Descr. kolektívne monografie - collective monographies Language English Country Great Britian systematics 316.7 37.091.3 130.2:316.7"19/20" BB301 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici Database xkni - BOOKS Copy count 1, currently available 0, at library only 1 Call number Location Sublocation Umiestnenie Info 378590 Univerzita Mateja Bela Department of Roman studies In-Library Use Only
Number of the records: 1