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On certain problems of development of biotechnologies with an emphasis on sustainable development from the point of view of applied ethics
Title On certain problems of development of biotechnologies with an emphasis on sustainable development from the point of view of applied ethics Par.title O niektórych problemach rozwoju biotechnologii z naciskiem na zrównoważony rozwój z punktu widzenia etyki stosowanej Author info Daniela Kovaľová Author Kovaľová Daniela 1954- (100%) UMBFF11 - Katedra etiky a aplikovanej etiky
Source document Business ethics and sustainable development : interdisciplinary theoretical and empirical studies : new and old aspects of sustainable development and business ethics : II. international congress Business ethics and sustainable development, 10.05.2018, Rybnik. online, pp. 91-100. - Zabrze : Silesian center for business ethics and sustainable development, 2018 / Ciążela Helena ; Czakon Tomasz ; Fobelová Daniela 1954- ; Fobel Pavel 1953-2023 ; Jonek-Kowalska Izabela ; Kiepas Andrzej ; Kuzior Aleksandra ; Szwajca Danuta ; Ślęczek-Czakon Danuta ; Wolniak Radosław ; Zieliński Mariusz ; Międzynarodowy kongres etyki biznesu i zrównoważonego rozwoju medzinárodný kongres Keywords udržateľný rozvoj - trvalo udržateľný rozvoj - sustainable development applied ethics moral problems Form. Descr. príspevky v zborníku - proceedings papers Language English Country Poland systematics 17 Annotation Technological progress is responsible for a significant part not only of the economic social, but also moral development of society. New technologies are of a dual nature. On one hand, they have the potential to solve many civilization problems, but on the other hand, they can, under some circumstances, also represent a significant threat to sustainable development.One of the monitored areas with enormous potential for applicability is the area of biotechnologies. They can make significant contribution to the sustainable production of food, feed, environmental sustainability, and the like. To understand the specificities of moral problems linked to the emergence and development of biotechnologies, some of them are identified, e.g. the commercializationof biotechnology (sience and research), the implication of fundamental moral problems, the issue of intellectual property (patenting) and others. We reflect these issues from the positions of applied ethics with emphasis on the precautionary principle Public work category AFC No. of Archival Copy 44441 BB301 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici Database xpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ unrecognised
Number of the records: 1