Number of the records: 1
The identification processes of the urban population in relation to the socio-cultural features of urban districts
Title The identification processes of the urban population in relation to the socio-cultural features of urban districts Par.title Kultúrnoidentifikačné procesy mestského obyvateľstva: príklad mesta Poprad na Slovensku Subtitle the example of the city of Poprad, Slovak Republic Author info Zdenka Krišková Author Krišková Zdena 1959- (100%) UMBFF19 - Katedra sociológie a sociálnej antropológie
Source document Studia ethnologica Croatica. Vol. 30, no. 1 (2018), pp. 203-225. - Zagreb : University of Zagreb, 2018 Keywords identita - identity miestne komunity - local communities kultúrne dedičstvo - cultural heritage historické mestá Headings Geogr. Poprad (Slovensko) Slovensko Form. Descr. príspevky v zborníku - proceedings papers Language English Country Croatia systematics 39 Annotation Cultural diversity and identity are topical issues related to the development of human society within communities at different levels – from international to local ones. This study focuses on the city as a basic socio-cultural unit and on the observation of the basic aspects of the ties of cultural identification among members of urban society. The City of Poprad in Slovakia is a specific example. This city is a conurbation of five originally independent towns, each with their own history and with various degrees of economic and cultural development, which is the primary basis and determining factor of the relationship between the local community and its environment. In this context, the study follows the aspects of formation of local identity at a diachronic level. At the synchronic level, it observes the identity phenomenon in the new globalisation conditions of the present URL Link na zdrojový dokument Public work category AEC No. of Archival Copy 44289 BB301 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici Database xpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ unrecognised
Number of the records: 1