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Analysis of neological anglicisms used in Slovak from aspects of orthography and frequency in the Slovak national corpus
Title Analysis of neological anglicisms used in Slovak from aspects of orthography and frequency in the Slovak national corpus Author info Petra Jesenská Author Jesenská Petra 1975- (100%) UMBFF06 - Katedra anglistiky a amerikanistiky
Source document European Journal of Social and Human Sciences. Vol. 12, no. 4 (2016), pp. 152-159. - Banská Bystrica : Matej Bel University, 2016 Keywords lingvistika - jazykoveda - linguistics anglicizmy - anglicisms neologizmy - neologisms - new words Language English Country Slovak Republic systematics 81 Annotation The aim of an author is to analyse new Anglicisms used in Slovak from the perspective of adapted orthography and frequency in the Slovak National Corpus(SNC). Significant for our research is the time of the first appearance of an English item in a target language (Slovak in our case). Our hypothesis is to prove that modern neological Anglicisms are considered new in source language as well. Combination of observation, description, explication, analysis and comparison and are the main research methods which are to be applied. Two versions of the SNC are compared: an older version, prim-6.0-public-all available for Slovak users since 2013, and a recent version, prim-7.0-public-all, available for the public since 2015. The aim of both electronic databases of enormous size is to collect all expressions emerging Slovak language. The SNC also provides the date of first emergence of an item and its source, too. The work with the British National Corpus and Online Etymology Dictionary was inevitable, too. Keywords: anglicism, borrowing, frequency, neologism, source language Public work category ADE No. of Archival Copy 38286 Repercussion category ŠRÁMKOVÁ, Zuzana. Niekoľko poznámok k aktuálnym trendom používania anglických výrazovna webstránkach slovenských marketingových agentúr. In Prekladateľské listy 8 : teória, kritika a prax prekladu, zborník štúdií a študentských prác z 23. ročníka Prekladateľskej univerziády. Bratislava : Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, 2019. ISBN 978-80-223-4714-3, s. 59-74.
KUBUŠ, Martin. On the (occasional) necessity of de-foreignization. In NOVÁ FILOLOGICKÁ REVUE : časopis o súčasnej lingvistike, literárnej vede, translatológii a kulturológii [online]. 2020, roč. 11, č. 2, s. 16-32 [cit. 2021-02-22]. ISSN 1338-0583. Dostupné na: BB301 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici Database xpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ References (3) - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ References PERIODIKÁ-Súborný záznam periodika unrecognised
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