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Small and medium enterprises in the new world of globalization
Title Small and medium enterprises in the new world of globalization Par.title Malé a stredné podniky v novom prostredí globalizácie Author info Ľubica Lesáková Author Lesáková Ľubica 1949- (100%) UMBEF03 - Katedra ekonomiky a manažmentu podniku
Source document Forum Scientiae Oeconomia. Vol. 2, no. 3 (2014), pp. 111-122. - Dąbrowa Górnicza : Wydawnictwo Naukowe Akademii WSB, 2014 Keywords malé a stredné podniky - malé a stredné podniky (MaSP) - small and medium-sized enterprises - small and medium-sized companies - small and medium enterprises informačné a komunikačné technológie - IKT (informačno-komunikačné technológie) - information and communication technologies - ICT (information and communication technology) strategický manažment - strategické riadenie - strategic management Language English Country Poland systematics 334.72 Annotation The aim of the article is to present the crutial attributes which will determine future success of small and medium enterprises in the new world of globalization. Attention is given to the process of networking, to the information and communication technologies, to developing innovation and to the implementation of strategic small business management. Cieľom príspevku je rozpracovať rozhodujúce atribúty, ktoré budú determinovať budúci úspech malých a stredných podnikov v procese globalizácie. Pozornosť je venovaná procesu networkingu MSP, informačným a komunikačným technológiám, inováciám a strategickému manažmentu MSP. Public work category AEC No. of Archival Copy 30459 Repercussion category KOVALEV, Andrej - LITTVOVA, Veronika. Small and medium sizes businesses cooperation influenced by globalization. In Aktualne problemy podnikovej sfery : conference on current problems of the corporate sector, Bratislava, 16th May 2013. Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo Ekonóm, 2013. ISBN 978-80-225-3636-3, pp. 276-282.
RADOVIC MARKOVIC, Mirjana - SALAMZADEH, Aidin - VUJICIC, Sladjana. Selection of organization models and creation of competences of the employed people for the sake of competititiveness growth in global business environment. In International review. ISSN 2217-9739, 2019, no. 1-2, pp. 64-71.
CIHELKOVA, E. - PLATONOVA, I. N. - FROLOVA, E. D. Comparative analysis of supporting small and medium enterprises for enhancing created added value in the EU and China. In Ekonomika regiona. ISSN 2072-6414, 2019, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 256-269. BB301 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici Database xpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ References PERIODIKÁ-Súborný záznam periodika unrecognised
Number of the records: 1