Number of the records: 1
Odontological analysis of juvenile and adult individuals from slavic cemetery (9th – 10th c. A. D.) at Pobedim-Hradištia, western Slovakia
Title Odontological analysis of juvenile and adult individuals from slavic cemetery (9th – 10th c. A. D.) at Pobedim-Hradištia, western Slovakia Par.title Odontologická analýza adolescentných a dospelých jedincov zo slovanského pohrebiska Pobedim - Hradištia (9. – 10. stor. n. l), Západné Slovensko Author info Petra Selecká, Milan Thurzo, Silvia Bodoriková, Radoslav Beňuš Author 3 (25%) UMBFP09 - Katedra biológie a environmentálnych štúdií
Co-authors Thurzo Milan (25%)
Bodoriková Silvia (25%)
Beňuš Radoslav (25%)
Source document Zmienność Biologiczna Człowieka. Roč. 9, č. 9 (2010), s. 63-73. - Krakov : Jagelonská univerzita, Inštitút zoológie, Katedra antropológie, 2010 Note Bibl.: s. 73 Keywords paleopatológia zuby zubné kazy zápalové procesy archeológia stredoveku - stredoveká archeológia - medieval archaeology paleopathology teeth Headings Geogr. Európa stredná Language English Country Poland systematics 572 Annotation The article provides dentition state data obtained from individuals unearthed at a cemetery in district of Piešťany, the main aim was the scoring of dental caries and inflammatory processes. Altogether, 44 individuals with 997 alveoli and 750 teeth were examined (Comparative Alveolar Index CAI = 70.8, Comparative Dental Index CDI = 53.3). At least one caries or one ante-mortem tooth loss were found in 37 individuals, so the caries frequency (F-CE) reached 84.1%. The caries intensity (I-CE), consisting of caries frequency (% C = 12.7%) and ante-mortem tooth loss (% E = 4.4%), was 17.1%. In average, there were 3.2 carious or lost teeth in each individual. According to the caries distribution among different dental areas, most of the caries affected the crown area (54.1%), less the cervical area (28.4%) and least the both parts at once (17.4%). Both the F-CE and I-CE have positively growing tendency with increasing age. As regards the proportion of coronal and cervical caries, the lesions localized on crown predominated in juvenile individuals, while in the other age categories the cervical caries are more frequent. While analyzing the periapical inflammatory processes, at least one inflammatory lesion was found in eight individuals (18.2%). Total sum of that processes was 10 (1.0 %), the radicular cyst was the most frequent (0.6%). A comparison with the data achieved from the same skeletal series in 2002 (Table 7) shows that there are differences especially in the number (frequency) of carious teeth, which could be explained by the use of different method and by different number of analyzed individuals. An analogical situation could be anticipated in the cases of other earlier dental studies. Public work category ADE No. of Archival Copy 19130 BB301 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici Database xpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ unrecognised
Number of the records: 1