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The educational role of church-maintained education in Slovakia after 1989
Title The educational role of church-maintained education in Slovakia after 1989 Par.title Vzdelávacia úloha cirkevného spoločenstva v SR po 1989 Author info Dana Hanesová Author Hanesová Dana 1961- (100%) UMBPF10 - Katedra teológie a katechetiky
Source document Education and church in Central - and Eastern Europe at first glance, Region and Education 3.. S. 54-71. - Debrecen : University of Debrecen, 2008 Keywords cirkevné školstvo - church education church schooling ďalšie vzdelávanie výchova a vzdelávanie - edukácia - education základné školy - elementary schools Headings Geogr. Slovensko Language English Country Hungary systematics 2 Public work category AEC No. of Archival Copy 11069 Repercussion category PROCHÁZKA, Pavel. Church-related higher education in the Slovak Republic. In Religion and higher education in central and Eastern Europe. Debrecín : Center of higher education reasarch and development, University Debrecen, 2010. ISBN 978-963-473-372-0, pp. 95-100.
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PUSZTAI Gabriella. A vallásosság nevelésszociológiája : kutatások vallásos nevelésről és egyházi oktatásról. Budapest : Gondolat Kiadó, 2020. 345 s. ISBN 978-963-693-800-0.
PUSZTA, Gabriella - BACSKAI, Katinka. Parochial schools and PISA effectiveness in three Central European countries. In Acta Universitatis Sapientiae : social analysis : the journal of sapientia Hungarian university of Transylvania. ISSN 2069-7449, 2015, vol. 5. no. 2, pp. 145-161.
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Number of the records: 1