Number of the records: 1
Hlasy bez ozveny
Title Hlasy bez ozveny : príbeh zvukára nacistov Author info Ulli Lust, [preložila Milina Svítková] Author Lust Ulli Another authors Svítková Milina (Translator) Issue data Bratislava : BRaK , 2023. - 361 s., 25 cm Issue 1. vyd. ISBN 978-80-974409-4-7 Note podľa predlohy románu Marcela Beyera (1995). - Viaz.. - Komiks Translation from Flughunde / Lust Ulli Document kind AUL Language Slovak Country Slovak Republic systematics 830-31 Database xkni - BOOKS Copy count 1, currently available 1, Access to Shelves 1 Call number Track No. Location Sublocation Info K 437575 437575 Knižnica Ružinov Bratislava Bachova
Number of the records: 1